Single Mikuni or Amal Premiers??

Thanks for all the replies. Iam thinking by the time I have re sleeved and rebuilt my old amals I may as well just by premiers.

I am quite happy to set them up and hopefully they will stay set up a lot better than the old.

So, Premiers it is for me. Once fitted I will update with my review too.
pete v, 100% in agreement with your rational here. The carburation as an extension and intrinsic part of the whole modified package. Searching for just the right combo in uncharted waters can be daunting and for sure expensive. For a stock motor, good choices are easier, and results more of a given. What I mean is, a motor that's in stock configuration and in good condition will be pretty much like any other. One could try any number of combo's that are out there set up for Nortons but I don't think any of them will out perform the twin Amal set-up. I'm not actually endorsing Amal carbs here. Just saying I don't think another choice will rise head and shoulders above well tuned Amal carbs having correct jetting, slides, and needle position.
Benrobson2999 said:
Thanks for all the replies. Iam thinking by the time I have re sleeved and rebuilt my old amals I may as well just by premiers.

I am quite happy to set them up and hopefully they will stay set up a lot better than the old.

So, Premiers it is for me. Once fitted I will update with my review too.

I had the Amal 930's for my 750 resleeved by Lund and meticulously cleaned and rebuilt them but never achieved slow tick-over nirvana.
It seems like I had to clean-out the pilot circuits every few weeks even though I ran in-line fuel filters. This lead me to believe I never had the pilot circuit really clean.
I wouldn't hesitate buying a new set of Premiers. I'm happy with the flat slides but I do miss ticklers and I like the way the Amals look on a Norton.
I have a single 32 mm amal on my 850, as fitted when I bought the bike.
Run's well, starts 2nd kick every time, ticks over faultlessly, every time.
Accelerates well but would expect stronger, especially over 5000 rpm.
I will soon be fitting Premiers with a standard filter.

Not sure this helps, just my experience and opinion.

I have a pair of recent Amals 32 on my 850 Slimline, fitted with PW3 camshaft. The bike goes like a rocket, picks up strongly and pulls above 120MPH fast and furious.

The only problem is that starting procedure is irregular, sometimes it will start first kick sometimes tenth...tick over is stable but sometimes stalls when hot for no good reason at all.

Today, by a stroke of luck, I have bought a pair of brand new Mikuni VM32 with custom manifolds and cables kit for less money than the single VM34 kit and much less than 2 Amals Premier.

I will install them on the bike tomorrow or the day after and start testing as soon as possible.
Does anyone have direct experience with the dual VM32 kit and a 850 Commando? I would like to confirm the main jet size if possible.
Just a quick review to anyone in the same boat as I was. I think it all comes down to personal choice in the end. the cost was roughly the same. The arguments seem equal for both Mikuni and Amal Premiers.

My opinion from what I have seen of them. They are good quality slides. Everything looks original. They fit perfectly. I set them up with no trouble what so ever with the bushmans guide on here.

The difference they have made compared to the old worn out carbs is very noticeable. Idles nicely under 1k. Very responsive throughout the entire range. The bike rides beautifully. So much better than before. If your having the problems I was having, done mess about, just change them.

The only negative is I had to refit hat bloody awkward air box again. If I had gone Mikuni I would have had a smaller filter (again, my argument for, it is all part of the Norton image...)
I have original Amals on mine. Put in the StayUp floats, anodized slides, adjusted them correctly and tuned them just right. This means using a ColourTune and vacuum gauges. No chokes.

Runs like a raped ape.
My MK3 performs very well with the premiers. I have tried a lot of setups on different Commandos and premiers are the best for me. I did have to tweak them a little, by upping the pilot jets and needle.
I'm still trying to get rid of the last few Japanese parts off my British bike. I know where they are and they really peeve me. If you own a commando, you own it for a reason. A nice original one is a joy to behold. If you fit a Mikuni carb to a commando, anyone who knows anything about old bikes will pick it immediately and feel disappointed. If you simply want your commando to perform at it's best, probably a pair of constant velocity or pumper carbs might be what you need. I wouldn't do that.

Single Mikuni or Amal Premiers??
Reviving this carb thread with just one "simple" question: will a setup with 2 Mikuni VM:s 35mm be too much on a standard 850? (Just found a pair at a great deal.) I´ve read some carb threads and if you use a carb this size it seems to be suitable for a single setup?