Yep some real beauties there,.....
Hey mkane77g, An old school friend has a D6, D8, and a 10 along with other Earthmoving stuff, which I really enjoy playing on,
However I only get to drive the 10 for about 1/4 Hr because he said that he just can't afford the 100 litres per hr, to let me play !!
About 75 Tonne I think. ? I used to be a truckie, so I help him move machines from time to time.
Now about that... Bombardier / KTM, is that the 500cc. I have an 86 ATK 560cc ( Rotax ) here in the shed that I thought might make a nice
little Cafe racer. Especially with the Flat track cam back in it.
I'm trying to get hold of some Classic Flat track DVD, any USA contacts would be great.
PS. I am new to this Photo bucket thing. Camera gone missing since wifes' last trip home to NZ. Will get some up soon.