Fast Eddie said:
Well, get well soon sir, and please post when you've had chance to go for a good canter !
First ride today!. Took it down to a local shop to get my NY inspection to be 100% street legal. First impression is how nice and quiet the bike is idling. It does have a really nice rumble tho once you crack it open. Rocks on the sidestand a little when revved. I guess a characteristic this engine configuration however not noticeable while on the move. Seating position very comfortable,mirrors usable (no vibration) brakes excellent. Shifting easy and smooth. Very easy to find neutral. Felt the bikes length for the first few minutes but didnt bother me all after that. Its fast by the seat of the pants but I'll need more time in the saddle to get a better idea. The instruments were confusing only because I spent no time figuring out what was what. After the ride I pulled out the manual and in no time had figured out all the menus,settings etc and even reprogrammed the key codes. Overall very happy.