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I have been getting around on this. (It is considerably more dirty now than when this picture was taken.)

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I am down to only two bikes now!
Fast Eddie said:
Well, get well soon sir, and please post when you've had chance to go for a good canter !

First ride today!. Took it down to a local shop to get my NY inspection to be 100% street legal. First impression is how nice and quiet the bike is idling. It does have a really nice rumble tho once you crack it open. Rocks on the sidestand a little when revved. I guess a characteristic this engine configuration however not noticeable while on the move. Seating position very comfortable,mirrors usable (no vibration) brakes excellent. Shifting easy and smooth. Very easy to find neutral. Felt the bikes length for the first few minutes but didnt bother me all after that. Its fast by the seat of the pants but I'll need more time in the saddle to get a better idea. The instruments were confusing only because I spent no time figuring out what was what. After the ride I pulled out the manual and in no time had figured out all the menus,settings etc and even reprogrammed the key codes. Overall very happy.
speirmoor said:
Fast Eddie said:
Well, get well soon sir, and please post when you've had chance to go for a good canter !

First ride today!. Took it down to a local shop to get my NY inspection to be 100% street legal. First impression is how nice and quiet the bike is idling. It does have a really nice rumble tho once you crack it open. Rocks on the sidestand a little when revved. I guess a characteristic this engine configuration however not noticeable while on the move. Seating position very comfortable,mirrors usable (no vibration) brakes excellent. Shifting easy and smooth. Very easy to find neutral. Felt the bikes length for the first few minutes but didnt bother me all after that. Its fast by the seat of the pants but I'll need more time in the saddle to get a better idea. The instruments were confusing only because I spent no time figuring out what was what. After the ride I pulled out the manual and in no time had figured out all the menus,settings etc and even reprogrammed the key codes. Overall very happy.
Sounds great. Thanks for the feedback.
Nice R2. I grew up with a neighbor that collected old Beemers & I live around the corner from a guy who hosts the BMW "Airheads" club tech sessions and meets at his house. He has a few 1930's & 40's Beemers, some with sidecars. Irv Seavers one of the oldest BMW bike dealers still around is close & they are great about supporting local meets etc. they have a stunning collection & I think now own the oldest Beemer bike known to exist. Could be wrong on that as you know how these things get misconstrued. Ride on....
Very sensible mod. Looks great too.

What are the brakes like ?
If only the factory had done that...
Guess rubber wasn't quite so grippy back then.
This is my new-to-me scoot for just getting around. Normally, I wouldn't have looked twice at an old Boxer, but this R75/6 has a recently rebuilt engine by someone who knew what he was doing, and has somehow managed to escape the molestations of amateur "restorers". At the price it was being offered for, I couldn't turn it down. Didn't like it at first. It weighs a ton, and the lack of torque and clunky gearbox makes me yearn for my Commando, but it's grown on me a bit. A Commando would beat it hands down on acceleration, but it's quite 'fast' once it gathers momentum and will do the top speed as road tested back in the day. And it actually steers and handles quite well, which I never thought it would. :o

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Show your other bike(s) - What else do you ride?
Stock classic Beemers are not built for racing, unless it's endurance racing.

They can do high average speed over great distances in relative comfort, and are quite reliable as long as they have been maintained.
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grandpaul said:
Stock Beemers are not built for racing, unless it's endurance racing.

They can do high average speed over great distances in relative comfort, and are quite reliable as long as they have been maintained.

Very true, but bikes are about excitement and I couldn't resist seeing what the old girl would do...
grandpaul said:
Should be able to almost squeak out 120...

From memory, one test got a top speed of 107. I wouldn't expect any more. It was rated at 50 hp at the crank by the factory, so I'm guessing 40 hp at the wheel on a good day?
grandpaul said:
Stock Beemers are not built for racing, unless it's endurance racing.

They can do high average speed over great distances in relative comfort, and are quite reliable as long as they have been maintained.

Endurance yes, endurance racing...maybe less so.
I have a few BMW's both of the ones pictured are the same model and R90/6
You can build a fun track BMW for waaaaaaaay less than a Commando here in NZ.
Biggest change is getting rid of the heavy flywheel, transforms them.
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On a good day I can outpace a Trident :D
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1973 TR5T rebuilt this year with a larger TLS comical . Very sensible mod. Looks great too. What are the brakes like ?

Conical hubs get a lot of bad press but its usually down to adjustment. If you jab the brake on its possible to howl the tyre at 70. If you apply it slowly not a lot happens.