My procedure
i've been fighting this issue, on and off for a couple months now. seems like i have an engine problem between 2000 and 3000 RPM. happens with any gear - above 3K, seems to smooth out and appears to be running normal.
1. Rare but sometimes mechanical i.e, oil contamination, broken cracked hose, leaking carb or manifold is possible but low
2. Poor carburation (rich) infecting the plugs therefore manifesting as ignition problem/symptom.
Put in new plugs. Run. Ride. Pull plugs and give us a photo with sustained problem R.P.M.'s. Drop out quicklly then pull plugs to photo show us.
This is where you put in screaming hot champion N11Y plugs. Riding around low/medium throttle mainly to test cutaway mixture.
2a. If it now runs clean without misfiring then carbs need work, Do not run at sustained WOT. The hot plugs will respond if your cool/rich combustion temperature and try to stay clean.
3 no change? then I suspect an electronic ignition or interfering electronic controlled charging system.
3a, test by removing or disconnecting the interfering electronic controlled charging system. ride to test mostly on cutaway not WOT varying the load/throttle.
4. Bad retarded ignition curves ALSO cause cool running at throttle cutaway running loads which makes the plugs foul and then misfire
Try to notice if besides the RPM the misfire aggravated in a particlular throttle opening, therefore "load"= cylinder pressure which affects the spark voltage requirement to ignite.
works for me