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They lasted long time w/o filters which only catch passage blocking stuff not the friction causing stuff. Look it up and set me straight on false beliefs/faith in filters. Try to always reach full heat before shut downs and change every few 1000 miles or way way sooner if not ridden much. Keep em spun over 2000 too. I am not saying filters are useless or a bad idea, just over blown on how they protect and how long they last. They for sure can't trap the size particles that collect as sludge, which has hardly any hydro carbon component. Scoop some sludge out, any where found, all about same consistency wash with gas or wd40 or acetone or brake fluid then dry and see what is left. Magnets can get some of the ferric dust out but not Al dust which by then is oxidized to sapphire hardness which can cut=abraid hardened steel surfaces. There is a chemical etching oxidation wear component too, that moisture acids accelerates to just flake off w/o any contact friction at all.