Question to Dominator and Commando 961 owners

Those two leads together should allow you to plug in. Then you'll need to download the programme from Omex, and see if they'll let you have the gin files.
Are these an absolute guaranteed? I have the Omex recommended usb/serial adapter and I am waiting for an obd plug to make up a lead - I think it uses two VO pins for txd/rxd. I bought a lead speculatively but it does not have one of the VO pins wired through from the moulded obd connector so I can't even rewire it.
Those two leads together should allow you to plug in. Then you'll need to download the programme from Omex, and see if they'll let you have the gin files.
Thank you Stu.
I don’t think my mechanics can do it.
How is it that no one have the error reader?
Is it available for purchase or only to receive from Norton?
This looks like an obd plug with a flying lead - bare wires on the other end? If I'm reading this right then it's probably easier to just wire up an obd plug to a 9way. Should only need gnd/rdx/txd.
Ah, crap, thats my fault....looks like the link changed, as it didnt used to be that. I'll look myself this evening, sorry I dropped the ball there.
Ah, crap, thats my fault....looks like the link changed, as it didnt used to be that. I'll look myself this evening, sorry I dropped the ball there.
No worries - my obd connector is on its way so I'll just get that wired up. There was a question in another thread about loading new maps on - at the moment all I am interested in is reading errors do you think it would be possible to make any changes or is it still going to be 'locked'? What was issued to the dealers to enable maps to be changed? New new Norton expressed a bit of frustration with the support from Omex I assume they will continue using them?
If you were a dealer during Donington Norton , or worked at Norton then you would have had access to the OMEX software and interface cables . I know Cootes in Ontario has OMEX cables and software and maybe other dealers have it too. Maybe it is time for a list of service shops who can work on OMEX in each country . For example City Garage USA , Cootes Canada and Thiel Motorsports in Germany , Stu Motorvated and Krazy Horse in UK ?
If you were a dealer during Donington Norton , or worked at Norton then you would have had access to the OMEX software and interface cables . I know Cootes in Ontario has OMEX cables and software and maybe other dealers have it too. Maybe it is time for a list of service shops who can work on OMEX in each country . For example City Garage USA , Cootes Canada and Thiel Motorsports in Germany , Stu Motorvated and Krazy Horse in UK ?
SO HOW can I read errors? So how can I reMap the replacing to the Decat pipes with the short slip ons?

WHY Norton doest give everyone access to the OMEX software and interface cables so we can take care of our bikes? How stupid the Norton people can be? Norton must be the most shit company ever!
OK so I understand completely how you feel . There is always a solution but may prove difficult. Would you consider shipping your OMEX ecu to a well know service shop for remapping ? Others have done this and were successful using this way .
OK so I understand completely how you feel . There is always a solution but may prove difficult. Would you consider shipping your OMEX ecu to a well know service shop for remapping ? Others have done this and were successful using this way .
Tony, where is this shop located?
OK so I understand completely how you feel . There is always a solution but may prove difficult. Would you consider shipping your OMEX ecu to a well know service shop for remapping ? Others have done this and were successful using this way .
That will be a solution to remap the decat pipes with the short slip ons BUT what about reading errors and Dyno every time it will be needed?
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With regards Nortons frustration with Omex, my memory is a little sketchy but I seem to recall a falling out with Omex over some misappropriation of the AMSCI funding they received via Norton. If I'm wrong on that, any Norton employee reading this that knows better, feel free to correct me via PM. As far as I'm aware though, Omex is also now under new I'm not so sure why New-Norton would have frustrations with New-Omex...this is getting confusing lol.
Onto the subject of freely handing out software....why would they? Companies dont like people playing around with their products beyond their control, especially if there's a risk of expense to themselves. Phone up Ducati, ask them for their software....or Ford, fire them an email asking for log in details to etis-ids. Ive had to try and do some reading on this, as its not something Ive really had to think about before...apart from when I worked for various car dealerships, but the car worlds quite a way ahead of the bike world. So euro4 motorcycles required obd1....Norton used an obd2 plug, but the lack of connectivity leads you to believe it follows obd1 protocols....anyone know better? Euro 5 will take it to obd2, which should be more accessible. I'll have another read later this evening.
With regards Nortons frustration with Omex, my memory is a little sketchy but I seem to recall a falling out with Omex over some misappropriation of the AMSCI funding they received via Norton. If I'm wrong on that, any Norton employee reading this that knows better, feel free to correct me via PM. As far as I'm aware though, Omex is also now under new I'm not so sure why New-Norton would have frustrations with New-Omex...this is getting confusing lol.
Onto the subject of freely handing out software....why would they? Companies dont like people playing around with their products beyond their control, especially if there's a risk of expense to themselves. Phone up Ducati, ask them for their software....or Ford, fire them an email asking for log in details to etis-ids. Ive had to try and do some reading on this, as its not something Ive really had to think about before...apart from when I worked for various car dealerships, but the car worlds quite a way ahead of the bike world. So euro4 motorcycles required obd1....Norton used an obd2 plug, but the lack of connectivity leads you to believe it follows obd1 protocols....anyone know better? Euro 5 will take it to obd2, which should be more accessible. I'll have another read later this evening.
So dealers/authorized workshops have it?

I keep asking how do I read errors I’m my 2020 Domi but no answers
I would confirm what ECU you have first and that its a Euro 4. Look at at the back of the unit

Also, search is your friend. Many of the answers are in the forum already and also it would seem you haven't visited OMEX website as the manuals and other information are available to look at. It also shows the pinouts for the connector etc.

Also if you don't have it obtain a wiring diagram.

I will start with this warning. If you unplug any ECU OMEX or SCS without disconnecting the battery then you risk shorting the ECU. I have a box of them that customers have shorted and then wonder why they dont work.

The recommended adapter from Omex is this. It plugs into the back of the unit

As recommended you need to download the software which is on the OMEX site If you are not tech savy then don't do any of this.

Also, the password that has been used might not be the one for your unit.

The communication pins are

Front connector pin
2 RS232TX
3 RS232RX
Yeah, as per CG, always battery off!
If it has abs...its euro 4. The euro 4 ecu does not have a 232 connection like Omex euro 3, so you'll need the obd2 adaptor, and connect via the main harness. The password should only be on pre-homologated bikes though, so shouldnt be a concern here. There probably wont be much info if any on the omex site for the euro 4 ecu...but map 4000 should automatically recognise what its hooked up to.
In reality though, its a pretty dumbed down ecu. It wont tell you much. If the bike runs fine, but the eml is on....then it most probably picked up a sporadic out of parameter signal from the cam sensor. Updating to the latest Bosch sensor helps...but aint a 100% fix. Norton need to widen the parameters. If it starts but dies when you try to rev up...MAP sensor. If it doesnt start at sensor, tilt switch, crank sensor...generally in that order. You can clear the light if the faults sorted yourself on the road....or so Ive found.
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Yeah, as per CG, always battery off!
If it has abs...its euro 4. The euro 4 ecu does not have a 232 connection like Omex euro 3, so you'll need the obd2 adaptor, and connect via the main harness. The password should only be on pre-homologated bikes though, so shouldnt be a concern here. There probably wont be much info if any on the omex site for the euro 4 ecu...but map 4000 should automatically recognise what its hooked up to.
In reality though, its a pretty dumbed down ecu. It wont tell you much. If the bike runs fine, but the eml is on....then it most probably picked up a sporadic out of parameter signal from the cam sensor. Updating to the latest Bosch sensor helps...but aint a 100% fix. Norton need to widen the parameters. If it starts but dies when you try to rev up...MAP sensor. If it doesnt start at sensor, tilt switch crank sensor...generally in that order. You can clear the light if the faults sorted yourself on the road....or so Ive found.
I agree but I don’t assume that he has a 4 until I actually see it. There where some odd 630 units out there as well.
I agree but I don’t assume that he has a 4 until I actually see it. There where some odd 630 units out there as well.
I agree but I don’t assume that he has a 4 until I actually see it. There where some odd 630 units out there as well.
I have been told that my Dominator is the last one that was made and left the factory and have the last number, I can send the frame number to who ever wants to check it.
I have ABS and I have the OBD 2. Picture attached.
I’m on the bike now and can check if it’s Euro 4(I know it is)… Please tell me where to look as I’m not a technical guy but I will open everything and search for it… Thanks


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