Peel Piques

welcome back steve, I can see why you,ve been away so long,lots of work and money gone into peel,but iv.e got to ask questions,where are the upside down aero wings to keep that mf from takeing off,where you going to fit wheelie bars,and where is the parachute to slow this monster down chris
Damn Chris you must be physic &or psycho to think like that.

I cut teeth on 1st motorcycle - mid 10 sec 1/4 m P!! lowered ddragster so know the leap advantage of a tucked low front Hole Shot device - but air muscles idea will not work in range of Peels 6" suspension travel so got another air power gizmo in mind that will also angle the front wings for down force when needed. If wheelies still limit leap forward G's Peel is already set up for trailer hitch mount so 'easy' to wheelie bar for special events. i got to ride a H2 500 triple 2smoke dragster with long wheelie bar in public to have it periodically straddle road undulations that suspended rear tire off surface between front tire and wheelie bar end for a extra springy ladder riding sense, yuk. Also its was stumbling slow until almost 10K and only couple grand more on tap and still only a 500 so not that exciting. Its was Norton drag racers that I first found trying to source parts and knowledge before discovering online sources - they understood me telling em how P!! frame/forks built 2" low so would float front tire 2" level pulling wrists & eyebrows back with only an instant of touch down /bounce up on WOT shifts by big kill button tap instead of clutch lever. Norton power character seems to match drag racing needs.

Hope is some Hyabusta or Apricot V4 or BMW SR or 2.3 L Rocket 3 pulls up teasing for a sprint fest, Peel will suck forks up as I roll on power so she does not drop any but seems to be suspended by sky hook so tire just lifts up instead of nose dropping to instantly leap ahead while their poor ole puters limiting power to protect them from head over tea kettle crash. There may not be an instant in 1/4 m that Mz Peel's front touches down as I suspect power/wt ratio will allow leaving in 3rd or 4th w/o much tire squeal on clutch drop and just roll on throttle to ride the power band increase as speed increases tire traction hook up > with all our mass on its widened parch.

Peel straight steering PHASE Three and Four turn fury is incomprehensible good even on notched tractor tires but did run into 2 issues, (a) 3 gal fuel smack *delay* crossing 6 gal tankin time with Peel already ricocheted into air aligned for another sharp direction change, its stops full pivot so instead of landing inline of road = front suddenly get knocked back to land facomg far road edge YIKES, only a maniac PHASE Three maneuver could turn sharp/fast enough to get back on track *&* (B) aero dynamics of variable ground effect lift/drop on peg foul leans plus rear lift off swing out w/o rear contact to restrain like flat tracker. So plan is some type baffle in IS tank and feeler bar levers that hit road on leans to extend rear wings for some kite tail drag and some extra down force spoiling wing in ground effect so can accelerate a bit more before lift off and still miss bluff face or edge rails or sluggish parking lot cone cylce.

NO side covers help bleed lift compression from wind gusts mixing with fork eddies. Fork legs need wing feathers steamlining to stiffle the reasonace waves, other cycles can not reach to encounter or do encounter to get upset or out of control but so wrong in design pilots - engineers can't tell whats going down.

Peel & fate induced me into PHASE FIVE steering which is essentially WOT straight steering upright with both tires grounded like AWD rally car but past Ms Peel only had power enough to do that on grass, THE Gravel or mud washes across down hill hwy turn. All other cycles are so corner crippled to Peel its 1000 hp Pikes Peak craft I look forward to pecking order test, except Peel will request a special timed run *down* the Mt event to rub Norton Isolastic Commando ame in deeper.

I abhor wheelies and stoppies and drifts or slides but for parking lot stunts I want to lean yet Peel fast road turns are not done like anything seen before - except elite corner cripples entering these energy phases crashing.

clearing cage path collecting Peel obstacles when not Steve McQueen-ing grass slopes and Mt. side.
Peel Piques
It is amazing how small issues can cause a major problem. I'm looking at racing my Seeley in historic races next year, so I need a log book. The rules these days require swaged fittings on all oil lines. My bike is notorious for wet-sumping so I've thought about fitting a cock such as the one in the above photo. Normally I simply detach the delivery oil line after each race meeting and stuff a bolt up it. Because I am a bumbling old fool, I'd be certain to start racing with that cock in the OFF position - and BOOM !
Hmm did ya miss point of Mz Peel - to make my life riskier so if I miss this valve in way of kicker use then I get what I lose. 1st version was a brass gas valve whose steel red rubber covered handle stuck out in way of kicker peg and swing until moved full open, so simple fail safe path but was too hillbilly and heavy. Handle came from Australian patient that brought back various orginiales craft items and this one was about ready made handle extender highlight. Do note Peel valve is mounted to rigid steel tractor hydraulic tube welded to iso gusset and where it pierces the rear down tube so may not work on normal unsupported oil hoses. Peel OIF is tiddy sealed from ambient, ligher, higher capascity, more head feed presure to pump, mostly hidden, can feed oil vertical on nose or rear and only wet sumps so much before flows out megaphone ...

Peel Piques
Hi Bruce, I am more walking dead than returning.

Big block blown dragster engine required Maney 40 mm belt drive, whose wider pulley displaced Lucas alternator outward to leave 1/2" gap in Drouin or factory primary cover seam - so ditched crank end charger to sweat bullets on another option that turned out to be a drag car alternator that bolted directly to engine block to engage its now removed cush drive bevel gear that engaged the distributor or cam drive to spin, up to 10K rpm = this could only fit behind the cylinders but also fouled the straight out carb manifold you made for me, ugh. Steve Maney modified Peel's inner primary case to accept Lucas charger with triplex chain or 30 mm belt and seal close as normal. One in a row untested reverse spin friction drive may leave burning rubber smell sitting still with stereo volume cranked up...

This vital alternator only allows space for the slim Lake Injector, so more brain strain to research them and relatives to learn how to tediously measure flows to grind needle in stages for both idle/low end and hi end. I plan to use your custom fabbed manifold as air filter mount, as lucked out to be thin enough to just miss the alternator when mated to Lake Inj. face. The carb tube will have to be angled or a flexable tube attached and extending to air filter. Have parts but not completed the push pull throttle hook up either.

No one comprehends tri-links make pavement pounding predictability boring as beginner snow slopes so off road XX slopes and moguls is more my aim, don't need blower power sticking out fouling for that, so definitely on hunt for single 38 carb, which also removes couple dozen lbs to retain power to mass advantage.

My Commando friend Wesley Ratliff died age 64 Saturday Jan 21 following series of over exertions, Mt. bicycle and homestead related, I could not save him nor could hospital find a cause. My diagnosis was spinal cord bruising leading to organ shut down from vagus nerve shock. His last long ride was with Rich Stone/850 and another on 1200BMW, Wes said he had to keep his '71 throttle pegged and worked ass off holding turns but kept up w/o skipping a beat all day long. Keep thoughts inside your own souls please.

Wes on our THE Gravel travel through life
Hi Steve

Sorry to hear about your friend Wes, he be in your memories forever.

Hi Steve ,,Sorry to hear about your mate Wes ,we need characters like him in this world
Hi Steve,

I'm sorry to hear about Wes.
It looked like he had many miles left and only in his 60's.

The problem with this getting old shit is that we start to run out of friends & relatives to do things with.

I think it is getting near time for you to fire up Miss. Peel! How about a target date of July 4, 2017?

If I told ya the truth would have to kill ya. Slowing recovery from family and friends deaths, major property, road, bridge and handfull of dwellings drainage with collapsing large structural rebuilds, redone utilities services, replacing hand fulls of appliances/fixtures failures plus distorted, decayed PU truck, mysterious tractor, (most a year with tractor experts stumpped) cars, dual axle trailer broken frame and axle bent replacing on top extensive legal documents concerning trusts, leases, sales, banking and jurisdiction legal tax dodging beyond most lawyers ability.

Almost had Trixie back on road after cases split to clear oil passage wet sump leaks/smoking - attempted to put cylinder back on, got stopped by patient emergency calls,twice so sealant set, another attempt stopped on seeing pistons on wrong sides, next a wrist pin circlip disappeared after one side installed. Weeks waiting to get friends over to flip Trixie and bang on bottom but nothing came out. Then last attempt wife swore she had got the tire wrap fastened, after 4 attempts with me holding weight of barrel - but when l let barrel loose it swung on one zip tie out of frame to linger a few seconds then drop to floor snapping bottom of bore off. I'd injured back doing above BS and couldn't bend to grab fast enough, but once I did I threw barrel on cement so hard it chipped cement and broke fins off. Wes had me save Ms Peel barrel so evenutally have it cleaned up and see what fate intervenes.

Peel is getting unique wiring, fluid and air hoses, cables, sensors and lots of dials plus more sharp dangerous stuff added as mood and money allows. About 5 yr now since on a Commando and gave away my modern SV650 as just couldn't face more recovery maintenance for such little joy to ride the buzzy thing that feels like peddling along with 6 gears.

Hope you are still around to see me crashing on Peel
Ah so Grasshopper Grandpaul, life changing realizations take many forms of shocks and catalysts... Most those I wanted to prove Peel too are dead now so Peel may well speed my way too.
Comnoz nixed the Lake Injector as some many have prior but impossible to fit even an intake manifold on impeller face d/t the alternator intruding but my plans failed so it ended up rearward whick unexpected cleared a path I had not seen till Jim pointed out - so more money/time delays before 1st burps.

Btw imagine this pattern more spread out & two times more balls at significantly higher pressure clearing hesitant deer clusters to create a deer bumper car collisions/falls that clear out just before I get there... Hope to leave locals wondering if crazy telling others they saw day glow color tinted deer...

Bruce, Peel power wouldn't stand a chance w/o your contributions. I've two plans for your neat snorkel adapter, placing air filter beyond clutter behind barrel for Lake use attempt or to mount carb if I fail diddling Lake 'injector'. 40 mm belt drive pushed crank end charger outward for 1/2" gap around Drouin case so extra delays to figure out another alternator & drive - requiring triming mods d/t fouling clearances to fit the snorkel plate. May have to slightly counter sink lower rear snorkel plate screw to avoid skate board friction wheel.

Don't clutter up with feedback just take in my fantastic Peel fantasy icon that's still coming - like a comet Comanche Commando impact.

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