Not looking for another Norton but...(2012)

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Apr 15, 2009
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You know how it goes.

Was visting with a guy from work checking out his Triumph. He's talking about how now that the Triumph is almost done he has been thinking about his next bike. Of course the only option is a Norton, you know, if you want a real British bike. I'm telling about how bikes are still out there. In garages, attics, basements, etc. and more will start coming out as the old guys (no offense to you old guys) start getting rid of stuff.

I invite him to the Norton club meeting yesterday and the hot topic is a couple Commandos for sale. Sigh. Stored inside a shop for the last 20-ish years. Dusty but would clean up real nice. Not rusty junk that's been sitting-outside-under a-tarp crap.

Not looking for another Norton but...(2012)

Not looking for another Norton but...(2012)

I need to sell some more of my old parts in case this deal goes through...
It is really interesting how many of these old bikes ended up with high rise handles bars. Us old guys might enjoy going back to them. They are real easy on the back!

rvich said:
It is really interesting how many of these old bikes ended up with high rise handles bars. Us old guys might enjoy going back to them. They are real easy on the back!


With those stupid footpegs so far forward flatter bars make for retched ergonomics.
Now why would anyone leave a Norton under a tarp?

DogT said:
Now why would anyone leave a Norton under a tarp?


To protect it from the weather :wink:

I'm sure most of those 'tarp' bikes were pushed outside for a few weeks, and before you know it, 30 years have gone by.

My '73 was last registered in '81 before I got it in '08. In the intervening years, it went through ten owners and - luckily - ten garages. Every PO thought it was a great project, but lost interest after a few months or years, and sold it on. By the time I got it, it was a frame, a couple wheels, and a dozen boxes of parts. All there, but almost completely disassembled. The guy I bought it from was earnest about rebuilding it, but a 'buddy' painted the tank and side covers for him, and royally screwed it up - foggy, runny Imron full of fisheyes and pinholes. His was so pissed, he gave up.

My '69 went back to the dealer in the mid-70s with front end damage and was left there (apparently the dealer couldn't find a new Matchless front end). It sat in the back of the parts warehouse until '84 when Wes bought it. It sat in his used parts warehouse until I bought it in May, 2010.

Either one of these bikes could have been left under a tree. Thankfully, POs always had some inside space available.
I have to admit I left mine in the barn from about 77 to 05 or so. And it suffered lots in the barn, at least it wasn't in the rain. But everything was rusted and the chrome was all gone, but I paid for that. I admit I didn't take care of it, but life goes on and thankfully I had the motivation to get it back in shape. It was something that was always in the back of my mind.

swooshdave said:
BillT said:
Looks like both are '74s.

One is an early 74 (built in 73) and the other is a Mk IIa.

I figured they were both 850s, as the front one has the 850 cylinder and the rear one, where you can't see the cylinder, has the 850 exhaust nuts and balance pipe. Figured '74 model year due to the seat pattern. '73 had the basketweave. '73 barrels were silver, but you can't go by that on a nearly 40 year old bike

So, what's the production date on the 2A? Late summer?
BillT said:
swooshdave said:
BillT said:
Looks like both are '74s.

One is an early 74 (built in 73) and the other is a Mk IIa.

I figured they were both 850s, as the front one has the 850 cylinder and the rear one, where you can't see the cylinder, has the 850 exhaust nuts and balance pipe. Figured '74 model year due to the seat pattern. '73 had the basketweave. '73 barrels were silver, but you can't go by that on a nearly 40 year old bike

So, what's the production date on the 2A? Late summer?

Don't know the production date.

But the numbers are definitely IIa, plus it has the plastic air box.

I have not seen them in person, yet. Report back from my friend that the bikes are mostly dirty but the bikes look good underneath.
The 850 engine in my Seeley is a Mk2A, I'd love to get a near standard bike to play with. As a kid I would never have bought one, but having raced mine - I love them.
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