Norton Prospect (2016)

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50/50 may be acceptable during the honeymoon period, but after that just periodic maintenance....
Not saying that spannering isn't therapeutic, but only when you want to do it, not if you have to do it...
Trouble is, like it or not, the whole: 'matching numbers' thing does affect the resale value of these things.. Though, have to admit, worrying about the resale value of an item you've just bought seems a mite weird, a bit like my ex choosing wallpaper for it's ease of removal !!
Different strokes for different folks.

Some have a bike to race, some to ride with their partner, some to get away from their partner, and so on. At one time, riding was all I really cared about - one bike and damn the cost. Today, if I was the same and lived in an area where riding was enjoyable, I would buy a modern Triumph.

My enjoyment comes from rebuilding British bikes and helping others with their bikes. The costs and what detracts from the selling price make a difference to me - I don't care a lot about making money but I do care about throwing it away.

Once I've rebuilt a bike - it needs to be gone so I can do the next. Did a little math today, my 77th birthday present to myself will hopefully be that the 28 projects I have lined will all be done (71 now)!

Old Spice - next someone will they still use Vitalis or Brylcreem :)
My reference was to the OP... who appears to be chasing a 'keeper' rather than looking to start a business :-)
(Vitalis!!! Not since primary school!)


  • Norton Prospect (2016)
    20.3 KB · Views: 175

Once I've rebuilt a bike - it needs to be gone so I can do the next. Did a little math today, my 77th birthday present to myself will hopefully be that the 28 projects I have lined will all be done (71 now)!

Old Spice - next someone will they still use Vitalis or Brylcreem :)
I'm 68 in a couple of weeks, I have way fewer projects than you, and I still have far too many!!

You haven't hung out with the Rockabilly guys recently then?.....plenty of Brylcream and other period 50s/60s hair products in use....

As for 'still using' it! I served in the Royal Air Force, also known as the Brylcream boys! That pretty much ensured I didn't want to use it!
I'm 68 in a couple of weeks, I have way fewer projects than you, and I still have far too many!!

You haven't hung out with the Rockabilly guys recently then?.....plenty of Brylcream and other period 50s/60s hair products in use....

As for 'still using' it! I served in the Royal Air Force, also known as the Brylcream boys! That pretty much ensured I didn't want to use it!
High school dances, no air conditioning, sweating, and Brylcreem running down your face. Then comes a slow dance. The girl in her beehive hairdo heavily hair sprayed. Your Brylcreem/sweaty face stuck to her hair. What could you do - you had to maintain your Surfer Curl and DA. Those were (not) the days!
My new old Norton Comando is in my garage . I click the camera icon on the post reply screen but I can’t find the next step for picture posting . I’m posting from an IPhone can someone point me in the right direction?
My new old Norton Comando is in my garage . I click the camera icon on the post reply screen but I can’t find the next step for picture posting . I’m posting from an IPhone can someone point me in the right direction?

As you aren't a VIP member then you cannot directly upload to the forum from your (any) device.
You need to use a picture hosting service.
Well I can’t participate with pics but maybe I can just tell you what I bought.

8,000 dollars U.S. I bought a nice black 69 commando miles unknown, numbers matching with registration in short it’s a really nice bike . The commando came with a fair amount of new (still in the wrapper) parts such as a whitworth BS wrench set, spare cables, air filter, ring compressor, rear wheel hub cap, locking rings for exhaust, exhaust wrench, new in box chain, peg rubbers, rear shocks DOT aka Devoid Of Trouble , Haynes work shop manual, Norton Villiers Spare List manual, a euro license plate bracket from Andover, and an assortment of other small parts. So that all said tell me what you think I paid 8,000 and I am happy I’ve wanted this bike for a really long time and now I’m home , but did I pay too much?
You could have purchased a running wreck for $3500 then spent 10k on it.
That's fun too, and the learning experience is beneficial for some.
Sometimes it's nice to buy a bike that's all ready for riding, someone else has already invested all the thought, time and money to get it there. Or it could be a time capsule bike that has always been well cared for and lightly used. It sounds like your bike fits one of those categories. Either way you get to go riding rather than tearing the thing to bits.
I would say you did very well on the purchase, based on your description.

I should probably have done an intro first but I didn’t so that said this is a first fir me buying a ready to ride bike for me I have a long long list of projects that came home because I could afford them this time I waited and saved and waited and saved and finally what I wanted showed up and I was ready and brought it home, at 60 years old I’m so tired of projects . Loving this bike so far

L.A.B. Thank You for posting my pics!​

Appreciate any replies , did I pay too much 8,000 with a new tank and a fair amount of parts, the bike runs and rides as it should .
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