Norton Commando in film tonight

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May 5, 2020
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“I bought a Vampire Motorcycle”. No not about a Hesketh, a horror movie from 1989. On Talking Pictures at 9pm tonight. Suspend your belief and taste , best watched after a few beers.
I've seen plenty of clips, including the talking turd one! I'll give it a watch for a laugh, no beers in the house sadly.

I knew the bloke, Steve Watts, who worked on the bike. Same bloke who made the "Carlos Fandango Super Wheels" for the Panama Six cigars advert.
Ok, if you insist....
Norton Commando in film tonight
I gave up, it was not bad enough to be funny enough ;) You have been warned !!!

Good to see Birmingham as I remember it, I moved away in 85.
V5 last issued September 2012, so in someone’s garage, or is it in one of those museums that have famous cars in?
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