Norton commando 850 interstate

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Ok Mgrant maybe next time we can meet other.

Torontonian it is not for sale, the tank is metal

I hope to restore to a state as original as possible[/quote]

Nah , decent Cam , bigger carbs , decent valve springs . . .
Can pay to get to know the character first , it might be a lusty creature that shines in the dark
makeing cosmetic appearaces irrelevant primarily .

Its more wot she goes like that should attain youre sense of priorities . Keep your end up . :idea:
Bien Venidos Guillermo!
Espero que disfrutes vastante con tu Norton. Yo tambien tengo uno del mismo modelo aqui en Carolina del Norte. Quisiera encontrar el Norton de Che si todavia existe en Sur America!! Ja Ja.
Thanks friends...

Matt Spencer which carburetor do you recommend? and decent valve springs? now it has a kit Mikuni.
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