New member from Australia

Nov 2, 2013
G'day Folks

Just signed up and thought I should say hi to everyone.

Don't have a Norton yet but have fell in love with the idea of a 750 Commando. So have jumped on the forum to get some exposure.

Would love to find some Norton riders around Perth in Western Australia, so I could learn a bit about the bikes first hand and network in preparation for ownership.


G'day Ben welcome to the site.

Can't decide which Norton to get? why not go for a 850cc MK3, then you can be radical, and put on black cap silencers :shock: that'll make at least two of us on the forum with black caps :lol:

Don't forget to include lots of photo's when you eventually pick your Norton.

And judging by the thread on Oz bike laws it looks like you will be riding on your own!!!

All the best
Ah jeeze real Commando's were all 750's but 850's close enough in a pinch and who'd know that as far away as Aussies are. Hey i was just wondering, if yoose Pacific Ocean creatures have trouble understanding the thick accents of some the old British vendors or just hard on American ears?
hobot said:
Ah jeeze real Commando's were all 750's but 850's close enough in a pinch and who'd know that as far away as Aussies are. Hey i was just wondering, if yoose Pacific Ocean creatures have trouble understanding the thick accents of some the old British vendors or just hard on American ears?

I saw a program on the brain rotter the other day, someone from hobots neck of the woods was being interviewed, and they had to put up sub titles.

Incidentally, I had to spend a fun packed month in Israel for work nearly twenty years ago. One of the TV programs had been badly dubbed from English into Israeli, but the same voice actor was used for all the characters, male and female!

When in Rome do as Romans do. I'm not from around here, i'm a native of Miami Fla. home of the Love Boat show near Cuba and climate, so have a mild TV accent. The true locals are hard for me to understand too. I gave up in the 70's d/t language and time/money calling for help to England. Studying acupuncture put me among Aussie's and Kiwi's lingo and slang who told me how pirates got their ear rings. Never made it to yo'all's neck of the world but do love to listen to ya.
Spotted the big Norton do on the PSB forum the other week but unfortunately was out of town. Downloaded the video and it looked like it was a great turn out, so a big lose I couldn't get involved!
Welcome aboard Ben.
If you want to talk motorcycles you could do a lot worse than to get along to the upcoming Historic Road Racing Championships. This is a pretty big event on the old bike racing calender with lots of bikes coming from around Australia.
Sunday is the big day but get along to all 3 days if your keen.
There will be club displays there(Sunday only) so wander over for a chat.

New member from Australia
I still do a double-take when I see a city name with "WA" appended, as it's the official US Postal Service abbreviation for Washington State, USA, where we live!