Hmm. Well, dad's working on the bike today. The Mikuni is getting pitched in the parts pile. The stator is still being a pain in the ass (won't charge the battery at idle even though we made absolutely certain it was centered when we reinstalled it in the primary).
As for the leaks, I don't know. I'm sure some of it is the bike trying to find its natural levels, but that can't be the whole story..
I'm going to go purchase paint supplies ($200 for the "CRAPPY" Nason stuff at O'Reilly but it's what I can afford so it'll have to do) to redo my disaster of a tank that was painted last year. Assuming the proper amount of prep-work is given this time around, there shouldn't be awful waves in the paint like the last fiasco. What a frustrating waste of money, especially after I repeatedly vouched for the person. Sickening.
Anyway, for now the black/gold tank is installed along with my stock interstate seat. I still need to get my custom seat redone as well but the bike needs to make it to my upholsterer's shop for that to happen.