+1 :mrgreen:ashman said:Looking great, nice work, can't wait to see the end.
gortnipper said:I saw thesethe other day, dont know how the prices compare -
http://britishfasteners.com/tap-die-set ... -4335.html
possm said:Thanks Gortnipper, after the money I have and am still pumping into the "7" it will be number of months before I can hide a tap & die set from my wife but if a find a good second hand set?
Bernhard said:quote" Some time ago I purchased a cloth wiring loom off the net to suit the "7", when it came time for it to be fitted I was a bit disappointed as it only seems to be half there- there was no internal wire for the mag cut out, no battery wiring, no loom for the handle bar switch and what surprised me most no bullet connectors why I am so surprised is that the old black bullet connector used to be as common as mud but supposedly they are no longer available [locally anyway] though I found some old stock at $1 each, my next problem was the "7" had never been fitted with a stop light switch so I had to add one, manufacturing the mounting bracket and adding wiring to suit-" quote.
re; "what surprised me most no bullet connectors why I am so surprised is that the old black bullet connector used to be as common as mud but supposedly they are no longer available" unquote
These are still available in the top western hemisphere-your best bet is to try an old British Leyland / Hillman/ Vauxhall/other motor car shop in New Zealand who still have old stock, or go to a car breakers yard that have old British motors. Your bike is looking really good, are you going to enter it for shows, e.t.c. :?:
possm said:my next problem was the "7" had never been fitted with a stop light switch so I had to add one, manufacturing the mounting bracket and adding wiring to suit-
gortnipper said:Do you have to do this to get it vin'd? I would have thought if it never had a switch, it wouldnt need one to be compliant? But, without a switch, was the original just a rear lamp and no brake lamp?
Rohan said:The original harness wouldn't have had bullet connectors.
It was all bare wires pushed into fittings. With the litle screw down fittings.
Or the cloth cover either - that was a later luxury option from outside suppliers.
Looking good.....
Bernhard said:Then, what year did the Norton factory started fitting those brass "push on " bullet connectors that I think were from Lucas :?: