iusedtolikehondas, the Northern California Norton Club that I mentioned to you is putting together a Napa ride on 9/14. Let me know if you are interested and I will get you the particulars so you can participate.
sure thing, i need to stop riding it and replace a couple things in the next week to make it more road ready. i tinker a little and get the itch to ride it, which is damned fun, but i am not accomplishing what i need to!
i have owned my commando for 23 yrs (my secondt 2nd bike after a $200 kawasaki.(paid $800 for it)) besides countless drives in the past - I drove from San Francisco to Key West 2 yr ago and am driving from NYC to Mississippi in Oct
i have owned my commando for 23 yrs (my second 2nd bike, after a $200 kawasaki( I paid $800 for my norton-insane at the time)) besides countless drives in the past - I drove from San Francisco to Key West 2 yr ago and am driving from NYC to Mississippi in Oct
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