Stick with lead liguid or gel cell, or become a geek knowing requirements and limits of Li bat - which means dedicated plug in chargers to preserve Li life. Lucas either over or under charges but many get away with Li - till over night in chily weather away from grid after some idle interval around camp sites. Don't know if can push start through a dead Li battery. Fine for Cafe civilization keeping in mind the impressive ratings only relate to short brusts of energy for starters and drills not long moderate loads like say a small stereo. City rush hour stop go or road hazard delays could stall out on brake light use sooner than lead. Easy to discharge to harmful levels on obsolete cycle unless battery has internal safety shut off but still dead on the road. Only E starts need much a battery, kickers can get by with 2.4 in city or rural 1.2 amp hr lead, small light enough to slip in back pocket, in case need a charge away from camp site.