Well, there is a reason I initially called swapping the layshaft bearing my "winter project". But the one that's got me stymied right now isn't the one I expected!
The process had gone well enough (not counting the need for a thin wall Whitworth socket, since there's no room in there to remove the nuts without one) - right to the point of removing the layshaft.
I was curious as to whether the shaft would leave the bearing in the case or come out with the bearing attached. On MY friggin' motorcycle, the answer turned out to be "none of the above". I heated the case to a relatively uniform 220F with my heat gun and yanked, expecting to have something in my hand afterward. NOPE! NOTHING budged! I tried again - same result. A third time with longer heat time, harder yank - NOTHING!
ALL the literature (and this forum) says this method should work. I can only speculate as to why it does NOT work on my bike. Maybe the bearing has damage and is jammed in place or trapping the shaft or both? Maybe grit of some sort has worked into the crevices? Maybe I'm just a wimp? It's kinda academic at this point.
There has been ZERO indication of any problems during my ownership of this Commando since 2005. I was only doing this job as a "preventative" upgrade and because I'd been led to believe it could be done "in situ".
Now, although there's no obvious evidence of it, I speculate as to whether the P.O. has been in there before my time and used red Loctite, JB Weld, or something as bad when reassembling the box? Once again, kinda academic at this point.
What I'd really appreciate is to know if anyone else has had this ugly issue and whether there is another trick or two to get the stuck parts unstuck? I HOPE tearing the gearbox out is not required. I'm not sure I'm up to that.
I've thought about trying to rig up some sort of puller, perhaps hooked on the gear and leveraged from the case, but I'm not sure how to proceed with that notion. I am sure I don't want more trouble than I already have.