It followed me home!!

Dirt in the fuel was my issue ie aluminium dust / residue. More like powder than dust, so fine, but still enough to cause float needle unhappiness.
To tidy them up, I use a very fine abrasive (Mother's Mag here) on the end of a home made wooden dowel (Chopstick, kitchen match) whittled to a point. Polish the seat. Works great.
To tidy them up, I use a very fine abrasive (Mother's Mag here) on the end of a home made wooden dowel (Chopstick, kitchen match) whittled to a point. Polish the seat. Works great.
I use a Q tip with autosol in a cordless drill
If that doesn't work I pull the seat out and replace the O ring
Yep but this was on my fj1200 CV carbs
You can remove the whole needle valve seat
The O rings sit in the recess and eventually crack up
Doin a CV mik on a 500 single right now
It followed me home!!
In this case, the o-ring was still pliable.

The viton tip is notched

...and the fuel petcock has failed to shut off.

27 years of service
Send the gas directly into the carb throat, engine side of the slide
So as I'm still waiting for the primer kit to arrive I seem to have found the sweet spot for starting !
With all 3 chokes on and throttle just cracked open
Probably about 1 mm it'll fire into life
With the throttle closed there's nothing
But open it anymore than a 1mm it won't fire
So as I'm still waiting for the primer kit to arrive I seem to have found the sweet spot for starting !
With all 3 chokes on and throttle just cracked open
Probably about 1 mm it'll fire into life
With the throttle closed there's nothing
But open it anymore than a 1mm it won't fire
"If it wants a cracked throttle, so be it, just a small amount."

Start with just a half stroke on the primer pull knob.
One kick wonder!
Do those primers have a one way valve in them? If so I reckon it would make a nice manual chain oiler.
Do those primers have a one way valve in them? If so I reckon it would make a nice manual chain oiler.
Yes, two check valves.

Before off season layup, we pull the inlet hose off the fuel line tee, put it into a bottle of two stroke oil. Pumping it fogs the engine against corrosion, and ALSO lubes the primer seals so they don't dry up.
The primer kit has turned up
It doesn't have a check valve so I'm going to tap a feed pipe into one of the float bowls
And mount the plunger above float chamber level
Then tee the engine side feeds into the carbs by the inlet rubbers
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The primer kit has turned up
It doesn't have a check valve so I'm going to tap a feed pipe into one of the float bowls
And mount the plunger about float chamber level
Then tee the engine side feeds into the carbs by the inlet rubbers
Check valve is built in.
Otherwise, they would flow continually under vacuum
Check valve is built in.
Otherwise, they would flow continually under vacuum
That's what I was thinking
But this doesn't appear to have one
I can blow both ways into the feed and return
I will check by teeing into one of the fuel pipes first
That's identical to what I have
I haven't had time for proper testing
But I fitted a short piece of hose to inlet and filled it with lighter fluid
And it ran straight through
I keep a spare on hand, I'll check it. Maybe it needs vacuum to seal?
I'll pull on it with the Mityvac