Internal Sump Blockage

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The 6 is visible in the picture - hand scribed a couple character spaces to the left of the part number.
Dirt2Oil said:
L.A.B. said:
They could be the RHP 6/MRJA30 'Superblends'.

They are in fact the RHP MRJA30 but there is no 6 scribed on them anywhere. What does the 6 mean? Since it's missing does that mean it's a crappy bearing and should be replaced?

As I said, could be, but you need to look closely as the '6' is only an etch mark. How wide are the rollers?

Dirt2Oil said:
What does the 6 mean?

The 6 would signify that it's a 'Superblend'.
L.A.B. said:
As I said, could be, but you need to look closely as the '6' is only an etch mark. How wide are the rollers?
L.A.B I measured the rollers tonight and they are 9mm wide. I have looked very closely and there is no 6 etched on mine, at least not the side facing out anyways. Is the 9mm width a good or bad?
Dirt2Oil said:
L.A.B. said:
As I said, could be, but you need to look closely as the '6' is only an etch mark. How wide are the rollers?
L.A.B I measured the rollers tonight and they are 9mm wide. I have looked very closely and there is no 6 etched on mine, at least not the side facing out anyways. Is the 9mm width a good or bad?

Unfortunately, the website containing the "beltdriveman notes" regarding the 'MRJA' bearings appears to be inaccessible at present, but here is the relevant section quoted from a BritBike forum discussion: ... #Post66379
If the original superblends are still fitted they will be the very special Ransome and Marles roller race bearings marked 6MRJA30. These had narrower rollers than the 8MRJA30 non 'superblend' bearing used previously for the D.S. bearing.Also it is interesting to realise that the 6MRJA30 bearings used as part of the cure for the 'oops the mains are rumbling and I have only done 4000 miles' problem have a lower static and dynamic load capacity than the roller bearings used previously. If you ever take one out remove a roller and get it very accurately measured and compare it with a roller from a bearing they call 'superblends' these days..There is a big difference and the olde 6MRJA30 bearings would allow a lot more crankshaft flex.......
Not that anyone will be interested.ALL approx.

8MRJA30. 11 rollers. parallel portion of roller 10mm wide with no barrel shape to them. Total width and Dia of a roller 11.12mm Load capacities...Dynamic 41,900N. Static 35,200N.

6MRJA30. 13 rollers. 'parallel' portion of roller 6mm with a dia of 9.53mm reducing to 9.46mm at the edges. Total width of a roller 9.53mm. Load capacities...Dynamic 35,800N Static 31,000N.

Shape of a roller in the FAG and RHP 'superblend 'bearings I checked decades ago...
Total width 12mm. O.D 11mm for 8mm width reducing to 10.96 mm at the edges.
I heard the ONLY reason Norton changed to FAG bearings was that they were just down the road.2 They were cheaper than the special 6MRJA30 bearings BUT I could of been told wrong. Of course the load capacities for a FFAG NJ306E bearing are a LOT higher at Dynamic 51,000N Static 48,000N and for a RHP NUP306ETN Dynamic 57,000N. Static 53,000N.
However bearing material technology has changed a bit since the days I was given thes load ratings by the manufacturers
INTERESTINGLY...the drawings for the 6MRJA30 bearings a gent dragged out of the cellars for me many years ago at the old Ramsome Newark factory state the bearing was a CN fit/ internal clearance. Now I bought a few in Brum after Nortons had gone bust and all measured a low C3 fit.
L.A.B. I found a lot of the bearing history-issues in Capt Norton Notes so part the reason I question the common opinion that bearing upgrades is mainly what saved Combat engine lives. So what does your reference imply about factory Combat bearings being a life limiter? Both my Combats were hard run before me for decades yet still had good bearings, same as others have reported here restoring unbroken but long stored Combats.

Peel's non superduper 11 baller now inside Wes's '71,
Internal Sump Blockage
Well I have been reading all I could find regarding the bearings. I have decided to leave things alone, do the drilling and start putting things back together. I will take my chances with the MRJA30 and pretend someone got tired of etching the 6 onto the bearings. :D
The issues of getting the bearings off and not damaging the shoulder of the crank, since I do not currently have the proper tools, and the new ones on properly just don't seem worth the effort for the way I intend to ride the bike.
I will be mindful to listen for any rumblings and when they occur deal with it then.

Will post some more pictures when the drilling is done, but I an into a long stretch of shifts at work now so it will be a little while.
Well it has been a little while now and everything is ready to start putting the pieces back together.
I drilled the new hole in the TS and had all the extra holes welded. I was more patient than normal and waited until I found someone to do the welding, was nervous plugging the holes with grub screws.

All the welded holes and the new drilled hole. I had the hole for the breather in the 850 timing side welded as well.
Internal Sump Blockage

A view from the inside
Internal Sump Blockage

The barrels were stripped and freshly painted
Internal Sump Blockage

The breather valve from CNW
Internal Sump Blockage

So time to put things together and get ready for the spring. I am really looking forward to getting a real ride on this bike. :D
Internal Sump Blockage

All back together and ready to mount in the frame. Thanks to all the help from everyone here at AccessNorton as I certainly would not have been able to accomplish this without this site.
Cheers :D
Alrighty Dirt I hope ya enjoying the pensiveness of approaching new build first start up and "run in".
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