Interesting Motorcycle Vids

I now live in 15 yr in NW Arkansas after gulf coast Texas megalopolis after growing up in Miami Florida. Bad biker movies too much for me to enjoy after barely escaping its tempting extremes.
hobot said:
I now live in 15 yr in NW Arkansas after gulf coast Texas megalopolis after growing up in Miami Florida. Bad biker movies too much for me to enjoy after barely escaping its tempting extremes.
Steve I think a lot of that stuff was quietly censored by the Australian government. I believe the film censorship section of our Customs Department is still there however with a very low profile. I can see a reason for that to happen. Our guys are bad enough without giving them ideas.
Ugh Alan I'd put Australia's clamp downs out of mind. The few brutal movie plots I've watched left me feeling like tearing up a town or two plus its animals but thought better of it as not part of a group to show off or prove something too gain, at the time. I got in a lot of fights early on as never put up with bullies on myself or others or was just in the wrong place at wrong time no fault of my own. I freak out in that states and go bezerk so not a state I like to be reminded of. One event in 8th grade the leader of a gang picked on me getting out bus and was cold so as I took off jacket with arms trapped he struck me but just gave me energy so put leg back from falling as I punched his face to have him bend over so kept punching till he pushed away to see his upper teeth through the split lip and off to E.R. Rest of day every room I passed got yelled at dead meat, Phy Ed. almost rumbled in locker room but for coaches around. Cars circled the whole school all day long then I had to good out to bus to meet dozens of pissed off and kicked out of school gang members so turned back into halls they followed wall to wall 8 deep and about to make my stand pointing at the biggest saying you first, then behind me came another crowd just as big, all the school teams, had been pep talked by principle to protect me and did a school cheer like the movies and flowed around me then backed the gang to outside then the rumble with full back football tackle size boys, body slamming ground thudding head bashing yelling till they chased gang away. Mugsy was the creep's name that thought I was easy target being a skinny book worm character. Btw what made Mugsy want to attack me was he'd sent in what they thought was their big boy because I'd not let one of their gang butt in place of someone else, so big boy walked up to me sitting and kicked book out of my hands, I rolled to feet leaped on him like a pile driver and chased him into street and was nailing his face in front of his buddies till he cried/begged enough to make my point. Complicating factor was my younger brother main friends were some of these bad boys after me so our circles crossed in lonely places, woods, corn fields, everglades, abandoned airports with drinking contests a fight would start if not doing it, but I could beat em at that too which pissed em off but too many witnesses not pissed at me personally to just jump me. Triumphs were the bike of choice and took out a few of the most crazy and injury and arrests thinned out my stressors in a few years. Then Cuba mis fits arrived, then segregation fun games and then meeting the nicest people on Hondas. I'm 62 and no fights for 30 years.
These days we don't often have fist fights between bikie gangs which don't end up in shootings. The drug scene is big and the nasty stuff extends into a lot of other places besides the gangs. If you don't ever go near them there are no problems. They usually don't go out of their way to harass anybody unless there are turf considerations involved. Even so we don't need movies which might give them ideas outside of their limited imaginations.
10 top bastards from PipeBurn opinion. I guess I should of looked first at what is so upscale cafe before attempting my own. No Harleys on Nortons.
I scare wife and my macaw blowing my nose and do shock testing in water beds so can really relate to Mr. Bean approach to cycles.

How funny Gortnipper that those chopper guys are so style conscious they fit such tiny tanks then make a rats nest with extra fuel can and that this mature Norton bunch has to be warned about the video contents, sheeze. As these were the only ones that could keep up with my P!! back when and quit cycles after it - that's what I thought most fast motorcyclers were like, so was cultural shock on a few lists before it sunk in how self policed narrow the Brit vintage bunch became. Thanx for the flash backs I barely escaped to finish school and miss out on war.
"Car drivers are either asleep, blind or drunk" - Peter Fonda safety video with Evil Knievel.
