Interesting Motorcycle Vids

Irish say we aren't here for a long time, just a good time. See if ya can take their level of joy rides. Once ya get pass rational fear it might be sort of fun barely clipping this and that at about twice the ton.

First official Snow Bike racing. I so want a Snortin out fitted like them as looks so much fun and snow padded landings.
1915 Indian 8 valve Vtwin with a strange exhaust system. What's up with this?


For many decades after the birth of the internal combustion engine, it was held that getting the burnt exhaust gases OUT of the cylinder was the limiting factor in good combustion - and getting more rpm and more speed out of an engine.

In the teens, you see those "cylinder ported" engines spitting fire and flames out of such drillings - race engines had them around the exhaust port AND also around the base of the piston travel. They spat enough fire that the riders had to wear asbestos wrappings on their knees and ankles. They simply made the incoming charge rich enough that it spat the excess out the ports, and sucked air to make it all burnable - and had an adjustable main jet to tweak it all while on the fly. Oval dirt track racing in the USA in the teens had many such racers - Indian Harley Excelsior Cyclone Flying Merkel - and in ohc, ohv, sidevalve you name it they did it.

So you have the "Big Valve Excelsior" of 1912, that 1st did a +100 mph lap of a small dirt oval.
But it was the exhaust valve that was dinner plate size (almost !).
If you make everything big enough, its bound to do OK....

It wasn't until the 1950s really that it occurred to folks that the INLET valve needed to be bigger, to get more inlet charge in.
And the exhaust gases, under a fair old pressure could make their own exit without any assistance.

Now, JAP in the early 1920s did a neat little OHC single - with a fair sized exhaust valve.
Stanley Greening, JAP engine man commented that in the 1950s they tried the little ohc with the ports turned around, and with a big inlet valve it now revved to 8000+ rpm, and made prodigious power..Amazing what 30 years of accumulated thought and development can show. - if only they'd figured it out a century earlier ??

From internetannoyance Doug Mcquire in Oregon.

Our German vintage bike club member,,Dr. Wusel asking about Chuck Hodson, who used to race for Cycle Hub, This movie is all the rage over in Europe right now with the Vintage bike clubs.

Excellent movie, worth a watch. Be nice to locate it in better quality resolution. Good winter watch material

Bart Markel, Dave Aldana, and many more.

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From: Michael Thies <wuselwahnwitz>

Full length a bit over an hour crossing up

What was the name of the old race rider at the museum again??? He rode races for the Sandy B.
This is one the best close ups of close call racing you see

Interesting Motorcycle Vids

One Carefull Owner . Stored for 50 Years . :(
Interesting Motorcycle Vids
Stuff i got to do inside a slick shop floor on SV650 till choking fog of rear tire popped. Not that hard once over the fear out of control sensation.
Old BMW 900 built from current parts test fly.
I done this to some degree on grass, sand, snow, Gravel, shop floor and side walks and pavement though I don't feel very handy at it yet but definitely a beginner's level practice to work up to some real stunts. I did not start out with any intentions to get silly on m/c's but get rear trying to pass my hip often enough d/t blow outs or slick-loose snot surprise for recovery flailing antics I figure I'm more a stunt rider than anything else so might as well develop it to show here. A rear view camera shows way more side ways fish tailing action than front pointing. On Peel I've had events that I've never seen by stunter's and at rather higher speeds so should be entertaining if I or Peel can survive the learning curves.