The only thing I really know well about this Norton I picked up a year or so back, is that it's something I don't want to hurt, or damage! Been running other bikes, just fired the Norton up (sadly) the first time this year. I have no oil circulating! Lots of pressure, oil flow is more like 'spittle', rather than the solid flow I remembered from when I bought it. Raed the book, read at least 50 posts... so as not to sound like I didn't try finding it on my own... can't figure this one out. A few posts talk about 'priming' the oil pump. So, ok, I'm going to admit it, guys: I am clueless, green, and wet behind the ears. Why am I getting lots of air pressure being thrown back into the oil tank, but not the oil? Does it need some weird priming, like an old fachioned pump? If so, how? Parked fine last December, now no oil circulation. What's up with this? Anyway, fired her up, ran her a minute or two, nothing. Having now fired her up, desperate to have some fun with her, but to scared to hit the road. I cannot imagine a pump completely dying between start ups? Any assistance, much appreciated. Oh, it's the 850cc.