Home stretch on the 750

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Just ran a jumper from the battery direct to the coils... have bright blue spark at both plugs.
DogT said:
Modern voltmeters with extremely high input impedance can read voltages nearly through the air. You need to be careful how you measure things and think about what is going on. It's better to read the voltage drop across some load so you're not measuring 'air'. I'd measure everything from the positive ground, if you have a good ground on your bike. If your meter is that good, disconnect the battery and read the resistances at various points around the bike from the positive ground battery terminal. Discharge your MC2 before hand by grounding the neg lead (battery disconnected of course) for a minute or so, or disconnect the MC2. Your resistance readings should be below .5 ohms less is better, I think mine is around .2 ohms anywhere I measure. You might have to factor in the lead resistance which can be as much as .2 ohms, even on a good meter.

If you have 12 volts on your coils all the time, they will get hot.

If you measure things from the neg terminal on the battery, it's really hard to tell what's going on because you're starting off at a higher/lower than ground potential. You could probably measure 12V off your fingers from the neg terminal.


Thanks Dave and Hobot, I get a little mixed up with positive ground when it really shouldn't be that difficult. Anyway... Once I saw I had spark when I ran the jumper, I just worked forward from the key and found a white wire that had worked loose from a bundle (or I forgot to connect). So everything is working... got spark with the key, headlight works, idiot lights work. Tonight or tomorrow morning I'll mount the tank, put some gas and oil in it and see what happens.
Castrol's " Flushing oil " was 30 / 40 with a third diesel (fuel) or was it half ?

the idea was run it for 10 minutes and the detergant flused all the goobers out with it , Then Drain & refill .

STANDING ALONGSIDE i think the new emphasis on aural componetry emmanations convinced me to shut it down at six minutes .

First for were normal , at temp all you heard was components functioning ( more clearly & individually ) Any SCREACHING and shut it down immediately
(or see mothers out first ).

NOW , this probly has better LOAD BEARING capeability than 10 Wt . ( was running the Falco 40 % diluted with petrol form leaky diaphram at USUAL oil
pressure , yes . it flushed it . i hope . thats my theory anyway . A number of hundred miles . Done Many thousands since , towing too .

On the Pump , you disconect the return from the tank , purge system , refill , run untill full clean new oil exits return pipe . then refit & check level .

See you DONT run it Empty . SFA chance , but see you dont . Obviously can overfill pre start up as you lose say a pint .

USE THIS tecnique even if you dont go with the flushing oil . Every Time .
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