Adjusting front forks (Lansdowne) on the move

Jan 25, 2014
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A few years ago i bought off ebay three Koni shocks that had graced the front and side of a sidecar outfit (Unit sidecars leading link forks) The sidecar shock was knackered, chrome gone off the damper rod but the front pair were still good although the springs were shot. A couple off weeks ago i fitted the konis with some springs from a pair of Sebac hydroair shocks, happily the same spring length and correct poundage. Turned up some eccentric eye bushes to get the fitted length correct and replaced the rear shock absorbers (unknown make) on the back of my Mk3 that had seen better days with the Koni's. Set the Konis at position 2 and the next ride was a revelation. Much improved ride, much better. I had fitted Lansdowne cartridges to the front end back in 2017 and despite numerous attempts never really got to grips with them. Fitting the Konis spurred me on to get the Lansdownes dialled in better, A change of fork oil using the same Motul 10w oil i was determined to do better and to that end i stuck a powerful magnet to the front fork yoke and stuck a balled ended 2.5mm allen key, arranged so that i could adjust the front dampers on the fly as i ride along, making sure i could use the key with a gloved hand. First ride out and within a couple of miles i had got the dampers adjusted spot on, i found it so easy to do, just wish i had done it back in 2017