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I actually knew Shriver. I had been to his house and he had been to mine. He was always about being anti American, he bragged didn't pay taxes. didn't have a license to practice or drive. I could go on forever but I will oppose one penny of my tax dollars going to his support.
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comments from fb

Steven Otis Shiver
Steve Minning -- Yes, Dr. Shiver was the Hobot of Norton forum. I have seen his old posts on that forum, and he was quite the character there too. After he lost his leg in 2018 and couldn't ride anymore, I think he was too depressed to visit the forum anymore ... but he never lost his passion for Nortons. His friends rolled his favorite Norton MzPeel into his living room and placed it before his Lazy-Boy chair ... and it remained there until October ... until his companion of 32 years GAVE AWAY (for free) both of his Nortons, all his spare parts, and mechanic tools. He has nothing left now ... but memories.
I actually knew Shriver. I had been to his house and he had been to mine. He was always about being anti American, he bragged didn't pay taxes. didn't have a license to practice or drive. I could go on forever but I will oppose one penny of my tax dollars going to his support.
Was he anti American
Or anti American government?
attorney- in- fact is sovereign citizen speak for NOT
I don't know the man except for here. I don't know what he did, one way to avoid taxes is by being paid in cash. I don't think Steve was anti American, but probably anti government. The government makes nothing and just takes. Every year you pay into Social Security and Medicare. Neither of these provide for long term care. To be on Medicaid you must own nothing, and it goes back 5 years prior to trying to obtain it. I really doubt any emails to anyone will make a difference. This is a federal thing.

20 page thread here

Norton Commando Transformer by Steve Twist

Major Project for my BA (Hons) Computer Visualisation and Animation undergraduate degree at Bournemouth University (NCCA). 8 months of work from concept to completion. CGI produced in Houdini 9.5, composited in Shake.
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Most of us here would probably say they are not a normie but we probably are. Hobot has that claim nailed down. He wrote in the Hunter S Thompson style, was a top flight shade tree spanner man, could be a bit tedious with his anti guvmint diatribes but after all was said and done he
was a genuine biker and a real American.
...and a nut! We wish him well.
I met Steve under a giant tree at a N.Y. rally in scorching heat . He kept going on and on about natural holistic health . He asked about how much I drank and his eyes went wide when I told him . Tossed another 99 cent stein of beer with him and changed the topic to how is the Norton running ? He said poorly , both mufflers are rotted out and finished and I have a long ride back home . I said just remove them and drive home next day with straight pipes , might be fun . He jumped into removing them and by the time I came back with another cold 99 cent stein he was strapping the rusted out old things to the passenger seat . I went swimming in the pool to survive . 110 F .
Was that the rally in 2011, in the Catskills?
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