heinz kegler swing arm modification

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Mar 27, 2011
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we all know that unfortunately we missed him, but we still are using and looking for his work..

in particular, I am looking for somewhere to purchase the modification he designed for the commando swing arm..
anyone could help me in finding this out?
Thank you!
Lorenzo, when Heinz passed away, his wife had just a couple of his swing arm rings available in his garage.

They are long gone sold, but there are a few people making them.

someone posted their names and contacts a while back, but I don't have it for you

hopefully, someone will post up
1up3down said:
Lorenzo, when Heinz passed away, his wife had just a couple of his swing arm rings available in his garage.

They are long gone sold, but there are a few people making them.

someone posted their names and contacts a while back, but I don't have it for you

hopefully, someone will post up

thank you.. perhaps someone will show up to give us this info? ;o)
Lorenzo said:
we all know that unfortunately we missed him, but we still are using and looking for his work..

in particular, I am looking for somewhere to purchase the modification he designed for the commando swing arm..
anyone could help me in finding this out?
Thank you!

You can fabricate them yourself if you want to/can do----they consist of 2 each 1-1/8' split-collar clamps---drill and tap for 1/4-28 bolts and install them. Of course you have to drill the 2 holes in your cradle spindle tube----easy to do if it's removed from the frame but can be done by lifting up the rear end of the bike so you can get to it at the correct angle with a drill. I just made several for a friends bike---not that hard to do. Total cost of materials--$17.67. The clamps are under $10.00 each----more if you want to go stainless.
If you want ---you can grind off a small flat on the outside curve where the lock bolt is located so the lock nut---if used has more surface grip----use red locktite on all the fasteners also, and some sealer on the ID to help keep some water out. That's about all to it.

For the clamps---just google ---split collar clamps.
Windy's (bill) kit I'm sure is an exact, if not better, version of the original Kegler design. Windy installed my swingarm fix after we discovered approx. one inch of side-to-side play in my swingarm after I got it back from my "restoration expert". That was approximately 8000 miles ago. To this day, there is absolutely zero play in my swingarm with this fix.
McMasters -Carr in Georgia has the collars you are looking for in both stainless and chrome.You will still have to
drill and tap for the pinch bolts or screws.1/4-28.You can do it with the swing-arm still in place.It sounds like
someone else is going to send you instructions.Let me know if you need any info.I did mine about a month ago and
there is a world of difference.
I have some of Windy's clamps laying on my kitchen table right now and another set on my 750. If I end up with another bike I am sure I will buy another set.

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