Have any of you..........

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Feb 26, 2017
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Emptied your coated fuel tank and let it sit for a few months? The coating was allowed to cure for six months before exposed any gas.

I searched the topic but asking here is easier and more direct.

I am taking a winter break. Going to be too cold to ride for around 3 months.
I emptied the coated/lined fuel tank and blew it out dry. Coating is Red Coat.
I also drained the Amals and fuel lines and blew them out, then emptied and wiped the bowls leaving the carbs dry.

Do any of you guys know something I don't?
Seals or gaskets drying or cracking? Something like that.
You might want to roll a cup of 30wt in it just to keep the coating from drying out. I do this if emptying my tanks for extended periods. I wonder if you could email the manufacturer.
I have Bill Hirsch's coating in my steel tank. Winter layup here is typically November to April. Full tank of gas with Stabil and no problems in 20 years. Dry storage in a basement.
You will get a lot of conflicting answers on this. I empty my tank and float bowls every winter (48 yrs minus about 6 yrs it sat empty). It gives me an opportunity to check fuel lines, filters and lube the aftermarket petcock rubbers. I get nervous about leaky petcocks filling the crankcase with fuel while it sits.
I had Redcoat in a fiberglass tank using ethanol gas for about 3 years with no problem before I went to metal. If the sealer is going to dry out and flake off in 3-4 months then it probably isn't much good.
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