Do any of you guys have an Ultrasonic Cleaner?

Aug 8, 2006
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As the thread title says, does anybody have an ultrasonic cleaner?
I've been thinking of getting one for cleaning carb parts and such and am looking for recommendations.

What brand /model do you have?
How do you like it?
Is bigger better?
Is heat necessary?

You know..... all of those standard questions.

Harbor Freight has a couple for sale, but I'm not sure how well they perform and I figure that if I am going to buy
a cheap one that only marginally works, I would rather spend a few dollars more and get something that can Really clean out a carburetor body.
A friend has three allthough only one is currently working. It's the smallest of his & Im guessing it's about 5"x8"x5" deep. I just used it to clean a Amal Concentric & it did ok. I still used a 016 guitar string to clean the Piolet & other small holes. He has two huge ones being worked on. They are big enough to put engine cases in, I'll let you know when we test them.
I have a little one and I used it a lot to clean many things, it does a great job on carburators, aluminum comes out bright and clean. Ultrasonic alone won't do much on deep crud, but combined with the right chemicals it really works. If you get one, make sure it has a heater because cold water has very little cleaning power. I use it with degrasers, Home Depot has a good selection of these chemicals, be carefull however, the strongest one (purple) will turn aluminum grey and dull, sqeaky clean, but looking like shit. Less powerfull degreasers do a good job, take out grease and grime and leave metal like new.
