Okay, so it's not a Norton, but at least it's Brit; I converted my '72 T150 Trident to an 18" wheel in the early 80's due to the total lack of suitable 19" tires for the rear, allowing the use of a Dunlop 4.50-18 Sport Elite. It didn't change anything perceivable in its handling (at least, not by me), and I did push it pretty hard on a regular basis. We have some really cool canyon roads out here in the West! The Norton also received the same treatment for the same reasons, and, up until the Isolastics went the way of all men, handled just as well as with the 19", although I don't tend to ride it as aggressively as I did the Triumph.
On a side note, the Trumpet would, in fact, break 130 mph, and never once thought of shaking its head. An absolutely rock-solid bike. Now, if it just didn't have problems with the nasty buzzy vibration, bad rockers, grenading clutch, wiring issues, three Amals, and... where was I going with this?
Based on earlier perceptions of when the rear was swapped to 18", I see no reason to go back to 19" on the back. I'll let y'all know how much better (if any) it works once the isolastics swap-out and link head-steady are done. Maybe next week?