18 inch wheels front and rear

When I first fitte 18 inch wheels to my Triton, I flew past a guy in a coner, grounded a foot peg which lifted the rear wheel. So it pulled the bike verical and it went into the biggest tsnk-slapper. I had hold of the tank so I stayed -on. I looked at the clipons, and they were barely moving, so I grabbed them. I got flicked over the fron at about 50 MPH. The guy I had passed stopped and told me he thought I was going to stay on the bike. I also thought that until I grabbed the bars.
With the 18 inch wheels I had better rubber, so I coild corner faster, but the downside meant there was no advantage. The main difference was rge 18 ich wheels made me get more tired during races. On a road bike, you do not usually ride like that.
I shortened the footrests, so my boots touched the road first
I have 18" wheels on my bike as well and I haven't noticed any problems with ground clearance or handling. I actually stumbled upon it accidentally because a friend gave me RD400 Mag wheels and I thought it looked good. However, it might be harder to find suitable tires for the front wheel if you stick with an 18". I would suggest going with a 19" on the front, like the SR500 front wheel, which would match the design of the rear wheel you have. I remember reading somewhere that the Avon RoadRunner 4.00-18 had almost the same diameter as the 19" tire originally used on the Commando, so the ride height wouldn't change much. But the Conti's were definitely smaller.

If you're looking for custom tires, I would recommend checking out https://www.corwheels.com/ They have a great selection of custom tires and wheels to choose from.
When you fit 18 inch wheels in place of 19, you bikes footrests are half an inch lower, and becausec the trail is reduced, you get more lean on cornwes. It is not pssible to lwan a Manx or Teiton which has 19 inch wheels, as far as you can lean a Japanese two stroke. If you do not fang your commabdo, all 18 inch wheels would do would make the bike deel more 'stable'. If you race you usually need 'nimble', unless you are on a very big circuit.