Like I said, more work on Sunday nite.
I believe this is the third and forth on the layshaft.
So, here's what not to do. I slipped this spacer on the sleeve gear thinking is would distance it from the bearing. I don't know why I did this and I even thought it wasn't right but I still did it. Kind of like some women I've picked up at bars... but I digress.
So I assemble the gearbox and for some reason I can get it to shift into fourth. Well, it kinda does but the camplate is not quite all the way to the detent. I take it apart, recheck the camplate location. I do this several times before finally taking this "spacer" out. Then it works perfectly. Sigh. If you don't know this is the spacer which allows the seal to work.
And this is where it's suppose to go...
Layshaft bearing and sleeve gear installed.
Third gear lay and layshaft installed.
Third gear main and selector fork. Old Britts mentions that it helps to shift to third to get the selector fork into the camplate. They are right. :mrgreen:
First gear lay. Second gear lay with selector is behind it.
<Picture missing>
All in there. Shifted just fine through the gears. From my hazy past I recall that Triumph boxes like to be in neutral for assembly. I left this one in neutral too. What gear should it be in to finish the assembly?
New kickstart shaft bearing in place. Fits perfectly over the layshaft.
I'm missing the nuts for the inner cover so layshaft end play will have to wait.
So that's it for the gearbox for now. Back to the cradle and drill another hole if I want one of the adjusters to face forward. I haven't decide if I should drill the extra hole, someone mentioned with a belt drive you'll set it once and most likely never touch it again. And that it's not impossible to adjust, just takes a few more swear words. Of which I have plenty...