Gearbox Teardown with plenty of pictures

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Excellent demo mate,
I'm gettting ready to rip into my box.
Just waiting for time and outside temp to coincide w/ one another.
Every little bit of info always helps and I thank you for your time and sharing w/ us.
MarshalNorton said:
Excellent demo mate,
I'm gettting ready to rip into my box.
Just waiting for time and outside temp to coincide w/ one another.
Every little bit of info always helps and I thank you for your time and sharing w/ us.

I had to crank the heater up in the garage. Luckily it was a balmy 40 degrees outside so it wasn't too bad.
Hi Dave, If you have problems putting the gearbox back together then Mick Hemmings Motorcycles in The UK does a really good & imformative DVD showing how to do it. There is also lots of little tips on working out which Norton the box is from.
I dont know if it would be suitaable to play on the US system as it may be only PAL spec. But its a good DVD.
He also does one on engine strip & Rebuild.
Cheers Don
rvich said:
JAYMAC said:
Mick Hemmings has an excellent step by step instruction video showing gearbox strip and rebuild.

I went in search of that video and didn't find it. Do you have a link?

Mick Hemmings contact check out his catalogue page 17 for DVD's including gearbox and engine rebuilds with useful tips and easy to follow step by step instruction. He most Commando parts in stock including Norvil performance parts,discbrake systems etc, he specialises in mail order so USA is no problem. He has raced Commando's for 40 years and knows Norton's and Commando's better than most.
John Mac
You can get it from INOC at the web address I provided above. My copy is not PAL, works just fine in the US.
I have both Engine Rebuild and Gearbox DVD's from Mick Hemmings purchased throu the INOA Bracebridge Street Depot
Both are excellent for giving you the confidence to do the job yourself. I recommend it ....its even entertaining. :D
I've done two boxes, After watching the video and reading Fred's tips on the Old Britts site It was straight forward no problems. Money well spent.
I don't need no stinking DVD, I've got you folks!

Besides, this ain't the first tranny I've been in. Um, that didn't sound like what I meant it to say. :mrgreen:
Swoosh Dave,
we have had record temps in Penna this week.
Zero the other night and 5 degrees other nights.
20's is norm for now.
No gear box overhaul in these temps.
May lite the torch and hold near my bum for extra warmth this week :lol:
Hi Swoosh,
If you intend dismantling a tranni dont forget it may have a left hand thread when screwing the back end of it.
Also be carefull of the sludge trap.
Your a brave man to atempt it.
Don Tovey said:
Hi Swoosh,
If you intend dismantling a tranni dont forget it may have a left hand thread when screwing the back end of it.
Also be carefull of the sludge trap.
Your a brave man to atempt it.

I'll defer to your expertise in these areas. :mrgreen:
glad I don't have to date anymore.
Kinda like buying a painted up tank.
You don't know whats under neath till you strip her down :oops:
Leave it to me to steer my own thread completely off topic and off color. I beg your forgiveness. 8)

Still haven't looked at the main shaft (damn, can't even type that with a straight face now, curses!) to see why it looked blue (ok, now I'm just cracking myself up). Either I go out to a cold garage or crack another beer... Hmmm, sometimes life throws you decisions that are soooo easy to make.

Maybe a gearbox update... tomorrow. :mrgreen:
We're all suffering cabin fever this cold arse winter.
No appology needed where good humor prevails :P
Can a brother get an Amen!
Hi Swooosh,
I hope you did'nt mind the joke.
Your 'Tranny' wording reminded me about the old joke when the young lad asked his mum 'Do Au Pairs girls come to bits mum ?'
When she said no they dont, but asked him why he had asked the question, the lad said that he heard his dad saying he was going to screw the arse off the Au pair girl.
cheers Don

Just my british sense of humor.

I know it can be hard getting the gearbox rebuilt properly as when I did mine years ago after the layshaft bearing fell apart,
I could not have done it properly. When I put it in 1st & give it a load of whellie pulling away it sometimes slips out of 1st.
It I click it into 2nd & then 1st before before I pull away its fine.
Now I just cant be bothered rectifying this problem as I prefer to ride & not tinker these days.
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