Funny Stories While Deer Hunting

I realize this thread is 5 years old, don't know why it popped up but....speaking of trapping mice I used to get lots of them in my basement. Sometimes I would find them and sometimes trap and all would be gone. 4 months ago we sold the house and in Cleaning out the basement I found lots of traps with mummified mouse remains stuffed into hidden places. I was told that if there's a dead mouse around other mice will either try to get it far away or eat the dead one as the smell of it will attract snakes. This happened mostly with the glue board traps, not the old fashioned snap traps. I hate those nasty little destructive rodent bastards
A post on the 'Low Blow' thread reminded me of this story. So let's start another thread.

We had a guy on our hunting lease who we called 'Hippy', but he was just a long haired redneck.

It was the night before deer season opened, and we all gathered at the old barn we called a camp house, for the camaraderie, seeing old friends again after nearly a year's hiatus, and the expectation of seeing big racks in the morning. All present, except Hippy.

It was about 8:30 pm when Hippy arrived, and he promptly announced that he had to go to Houston to buy a new deer rifle. After we quizzed him why he waited until evening before opening day, he finally showed us his rifle. It had a broken stock, and the scope was bent into a bow .... Hippy said it fell off the refrigerator, then left for Houston. Needless to say, none of us bought that 'refrigerator' story.

The funny part came about 3 weeks later, Hippy and I were the only ones at the camp house. I said "Hey Hip, you still dating that little blond gal?"
Hippy: "No man, I threw her ass out after she threw my rifle at me!"
Me: "Hippy, I think it was more like this ... you gathered up your stuff and left."
Hippy: "Well, yeah, it was like that."
Me: "And it all started when she said, "Hunting? You're going hunting, .... again"?
Hippy: "Yeah, that's what she said, and I said, "damn right, I am""
Me: "That's when she picked up the rifle by the muzzle, and flung it at you!"
Hippy: "How'd you know that? That is exactly how it happened. I was on one side of the bed, she on the other, the rifle on the bed. Picked it up by the muzzle, reared back and flung it .... that thing came at me head high, swapping ends like the blades of a brush hog."

texasSlick RIP, I wish I would have posted this while you were around.
I went deer hunting a couple years in a row, Pocono Mountains, PA. 1979/1980. We had 65 acres to hunt on. In the Spring we plowed 2 acres with a 1941 Massey Ferguson tractor and planted buckwheat, supposedly the deer like that stuff. After hanging out in a tree stand, freezing my balls off with my 30/30 lever action, and a bottle of brandy, I gave up deer hunting. Only saw a couple of foxes and a turkey or two.

My Father, a facilities engineer at Lockheed Martin in Moorestown, NJ told one of his coworkers about my deer hunting follies. One day, after sending his coworker outside to do some work, the coworker saw what he said was the biggest deer he had even seen in his life. He found hoof prints. He made a plaster cast and brought it in to show my Dad. The hoof prints measured 4" from front to back. The coworker said "Tell that to your son".

A few weeks later during New Jersey deer season, another friend spent 3 days in the NJ Pine Barrens and didn't see anything bigger than a German Sheppard. He came home empty handed.

While deer season was still open, me, my friend and his girlfriend were in my truck heading South on 295 to go Christmas shopping. While doing 65mph, my friend and I both spotted a large buck sitting in the grass center medial strip near my Fathers facility. Unusual. He yelled to pull over, which I had already started doing. I pulled into the medial strip and said "There's a bat under the seat". He grabbed it and jumped out, the deer with my buddy in pursuit ran across 3 lanes of traffic towards the shoulder of the road. I told his girlfriend to stay in the truck and if any Troopers came to say we ran out of gas and went that way.

The deer stopped on the shoulder, cars were braking and swerving to avoid the deer and my buddy. He hit the deer in the head with the bat and it broke. The deer commenced to chasing my bubby, it did rip a hole in his leather jacket. He circled around and picked up what was left of the bat. He hit the deer several more times before it ran into a creek on the side of the Interstate. I followed them into the creek, I had a tire iron. I always carried a Buck knife on my belt since I was 16.

I asked my buddy "What do you want to do"? I said "How about we jump on him and I'll cut his throat". My buddy said "Hell NO, this is the biggest deer I've ever seen". "I'm getting it mounted". We ended up drowning it. There was one person who stopped on the highway and said it was his deer because he nicked it with his car. I told him to go talk to the guy over there with the bat. He left the scene. We took the deer back to his Father's house where they gutted it in the next day or so.

After that we took it to The Sportsman's Center in Bordentown to have it weighed and have it processed for mounting. It was still deer season, so we tagged it. The dude asked us if we wanted to enter the contest for the biggest deer, we said no. We didn't want to tell him the full story. He did mention how he had never seen a deer with a caved in forehead like this one had. It dressed at #180 he said it was about #240/#250 on the run.

6 months later returning to pick up the mount and hide, the dude says "How did you kill that deer"? It only had one pellet in the rear leg. We told him the story. He said" If you had entered the contest, you would have won!

Afterwards, I told my Father, to tell his coworker, who had seen the biggest deer in his life "That your son got it" It had an 8 point rack, which was as big as a silver dollar where it went into his head, about 6 years old, and you could fit a case of Heineken bottles between the rack.

The mount is on my buddy's wall with the baseball bat resting on the antlers.