Funky issue when trying to go fast...

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Maybe I'm hijacking, but has anyone experienced this with the original Amals?
DogT said:
Maybe I'm hijacking, but has anyone experienced this with the original Amals?

Probably has, in theory it can happen with any carb, if the float levels are not set correctly. Especially on engines with a steep, not level, intake manifold, where the angle of the manifold/carb determines how the fuel sits in the bowl and thence the float height.
Amals are apparently not as float level flow sensitive as the PKW's. Mostly seems to effect how well Commando idle and respond to pilot screw more than stifling top end. What can limit the Amal flow besides low float is passing enough fuel past the top of the needle hanger restriction area, so BSA learned to cut a slot out the needle bore direct into bowl a bit above the needle point seat. I've had a long hard pull up Mt slope bog down until both taps opened, but they were old swollen taps.
xbacksideslider said:
Cool. Glad you resolved it. Good read, and I like that pic of your bike parked along Soledad Canyon Road. Yeah, that road too often is a speed trap nowadays, commuters avoiding the freeway, fish in a barrel for the tax collectors. The white looks great.

Yah I was in Soledad the other day but his one was actually Elizabeth road. The one that goes to rock inn. The route I took was west from quartz hill on avenue k to 110th street and went up to Elizabeth lake road and back through to godde hill. It's a good uphill route most the way and perfect for stressing the bike out.

Funny you say Soledad... I went out to take my wife to newcombs Sunday at about 11 and things were great, till we got just about to Kentucky shooting range. Right at the entry to Angeles forest on Angeles forest hwy there was a two sportbike accident. Road blocked. I overheard "d.o.a." On the speaker and hey wouldn't let us through. Saw the guy laying there. Tough day for him and his friends/family. We weren't let through so we rode to Soledad and took that route via Sierra hwy. ended up on little tajunga for a bit and that spit me out in San Fernando. Got tired at that point and rode back on freeway till Santa Clarita then jumped back onto bouquet canyon.

What a haul!

Bike didn't have a problem at all except when running it the freeway at high speed with my wife on board, the fuel issue was still apparent at that time so much motivation to get the fix!

So many freaking canyons out here I can ride a different one to work every day of the week if I really wanted to!
xbacksideslider said:
Yeah, Elizabeth Lake Road. Good to ride with you yesterday. Your bike is looking good.


I should have snapped a pic. I try and pull over sometimes in the ride to snap one but I guess we were going too fast hhahah

Next time we need to find a good spot to set the bikes against the awesome canyon background for a photo op.... Just forgot all about it, havin too much fun!
iceteanolemon said:
Right at the entry to Angeles forest on Angeles forest hwy there was a two sportbike accident. Road blocked. I overheard "d.o.a." On the speaker and hey wouldn't let us through. Saw the guy laying there. Tough day for him and his friends/family.

One of my most vivid childhood memories, riding in the family station wagon, going by an accident scene, mangled Sportster in the road, Oldsmobile stuffed in the right front corner. (classic left turn deal) Body under a white sheet, blood trickling down the crown of the road.
Body counts constantly reported in our rural area and some spill overs from the cities 100 miles around. Motorcycles are stupid danergous expensive things so if you are not riding around with the constant thrill of risking life and limb no matter how careful you are, you are living in a fantasy world way beyond hobot craziness. Google up motorcycle crash images to sink in but too close to home for me to post here or look at again or I get too upset inside to ride. How many times have you suited up and decided to take the cage instead in perfect conditions but for the reality of past events and future ones too vivid to deal with.
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