

Apr 7, 2024
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just bought a 2014 961 commando. wouldn't idle so i disconnected aic and the tps and it ran great. idled at 1200 . rode it a short distance and it was great. then i went to start it and it wouldn't start. it would turn over but not start. checked for spark and there is spark on both cylinders. fuel pump is pushing out gas and injectors show mist of gas. replaced cam sensor and no difference. any ideas where to look. has original ecu. just looking for some ideas where to look. i plugged the throttle body connecting tunnel. the sensor in the air box was covered with oil due to the air filter just sitting in the air box but i put a collar around it so it is where it belongs. site has been very helpful. thank you in advance
You should post in the ‘Modern Norton Motorcycles’ section, you’ll get all the answers you need there.

I don’t think you’re supposed to disconnect the TPS? But talk to the boyz over on the modern page.
You should post in the ‘Modern Norton Motorcycles’ section, you’ll get all the answers you need there.

I don’t think you’re supposed to disconnect the TPS? But talk to the boyz over on the modern page.
Agreed, put the TPS back on and try again.

You’ll probably need this to recalibrate it….

very sorry i thought i was posting in the modern norton section. i tried to post a heading but everything i typed in just led to a bunch of preexisting threads. i must admit i'm not great at computers. i tried hooking up the tps and calibrating it and got the exact same result. it cranks but won't start. the funny thing was it ran so good with the tps disconnected, i put about 5 miles on it and it ran great. i signed up for the vip membership so when it gets approved i'll try to send a video. is there a sensor that would cause it not to run at all, not just badly
Read this thread

There is a link to a pdf giving the proper procedure for starting, best try this first before taking more things off.
tried the cold starting procedure. the only time it would run and idle was with the tps disconnected. like i said it ran great without the tps. is it possible that the ecu went into a defalt mode when i disconnected it . i ordered a new tps i'll see if that will do anything
If you have blocked up the air idle valve you will have to reset the throttle via the set screw so that it will idle at 1250rpm when warm. Because there is now no idle system operating the bike will not idle now until it is warm. You will have to start it with a little throttle and hold it until it reaches operating temperature or ride off immediately. It will warm quickly!!
This is how I have my bike set up, I have a feeler gauge I place under the throttle quadrant to just hold it open if I want it to idle from cold while getting ready!!
Not sure how or why it runs with TPS disconnected, not something I have ever tried!! :oops:
Good Luck, hope it gets sorted soon, love mine, its a joy to ride and I like its little imperfections, makes it an involving bike to own 👍
that's what i did and it idled great and ran good. now it just cranks and i can't get it started to try and reset the idle screw. replaced the tps sensor. is there another sensor that will allow it to crank over but not start. i have spark on each plug and fuel pump works. i'm thinking the crank sensor but i hate to replace things just for the sake of replacing them. the air sensor in the airbox was covered in oil because when i got it the air filter was just laying in the air box. made a collar and put it on but the sensor plugs were covered with oil
that's what i did and it idled great and ran good. now it just cranks and i can't get it started to try and reset the idle screw. replaced the tps sensor. is there another sensor that will allow it to crank over but not start. i have spark on each plug and fuel pump works. i'm thinking the crank sensor but i hate to replace things just for the sake of replacing them. the air sensor in the airbox was covered in oil because when i got it the air filter was just laying in the air box. made a collar and put it on but the sensor plugs were covered with oil
If you don’t already have the Sxtune software and data cables and interface adapter you should get this. This will help you diagnose these sensors. Like the head temp , air box temp , side stand switch , and tip over sensor. It is good practice to disconnect the battery before you unplug or plug in sensors to the ECU. Are you still able to start the bike by disconnecting the TPS ?
i've been thinking of getting the sxtune cables, but that will have to wait. i replaced tps and crank sensor and put 2 new spark plugs in and it started and runs. so now it is all good but i have the tps hooked up but just to see it also runs with it disconnected which i find strange. for now all is right with the world and i would like to thank all of those who helped me with this. i'm sure i will have future questions and problems. this is a very helpful site and i'm glad it's here to help out
We are here for now at least. I wouldn't run it without the TPS connected ! You won't be getting the correct fuel map points for the throttle position I wouldn't think . The triggering must be coming from engine position pulses so you are getting RPM information. that is all. A fuel tuner like Dynojet PCV relies on TPS heavily.
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i am running it with the tps connected i was just surprised it would run well without it