False neutral

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Seems the UK brand CopaSlip would be similar to NeverSeez or just any anti seize product. I followed Mick Hemmings advice from his gearbox dvd and just left gaskets dry. No leaks. On timing cover I chickened out and used blue Hylomar dressing. I know it does not harden and find it quite good.
Just be ultra sparing if you use blue hylomar because it falls off in shards into the oil
Just be ultra sparing if you use blue hylomar because it falls off in shards into the oil
I've never seen it harden to form shards....just stays goopy. Even under the tube's cap, where its been sitting on the air exposed side of the cap/metal neck for at least 3 decades now, still tacky and goopy. Could it be a different version you are referring to?

The stuff that was on the timing cover flange when I disaasembled last week, black hardened and crusty....i think maybe that Aviation Gasket Sealer stuff....that had overhangs on inside edges which crumbled off with forcing when I was scraping flange clean.
Hello htown16

Are you sure the clutch is working correctly and primary and rear chains are adjusted ok?

A worn clutch centre - very 'notchy' - and a couple of bent clutch plates caused me similar problems. But once replaced with new items the gearbox has been surprisingly good since.

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