EV drawbacks

Lots of information available about Happer. Worth reading a little for balance.

EV drawbacks

William Happer not only weakens public trust in climate science, but also in science in general. It is a
slippery slope from “climate science is corrupt” to “all science is corrupt,” and Happer seems
willing to give fodder to conspiracy theoris........gee that line
sounds familiar 🤔 I guess he's not as qualified and don't fit in with Greta's climate catastrophe crew...
Happers Credentials
Ph.D, physics, Princeton (1964).✅
Bachelor’s degree in physics from University of North Carolina (1960).✅
William Happer is the emeritus Eugene Higgens professor of physics and Cyrus Fogg Brackett professor of physics at Princeton University. ✅
Happer is a director of the CO2 Coalition, a group formed in 2015 out of the former George C. Marshall Institute where Happer was also previously chairman of the board.✅
Happer is also on the academic advisory council of the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF)✅
Yep, definitely worth listening to both sides of the climate debate; you have to do that when having a serious discussion.

Happer is a very well credentialed physicist. Well credentialed also, are the overwhelming majority of the worlds leading climate scientists.
What that article does more than anything is show that both sides are as bad as each other with the fact that they both pick holes in each others arguments that they then both ignore / say are irrelevant, etc.

Look at the C02 effect on plants and food… the green mob say that increased warming is going to be harmful to plant life and that is a potential catastrophe. But when the sceptics point out that C02 (and warming) will actually be very good for plant life, the greenies then say ‘there’s no proof that is of any benefit’ !!

Thats a ridiculous argument, if you’re arguing one way (harm = bad) you have to accept the other (benefit = good). I would have thought the benefits of more / bigger / healthier trees, healthier rain forrest’s, faster crop growths with greater yields, etc, would have been obvious… ESPECIALLY TO GREENIES FFS… but obviously it’s NOT when it doesn’t fit their arguments agenda.

However… that said… I wish there was more such open debate. It would be painful in the short term but we would get to a balanced and more truthful position sooner.
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How many times do you have to be told?

Apparently that livery is an advertisement for electricity IN THE HOME !

Remarkable to think that in Britain in the 60s there were many homes without electricity, central heating or inside toilets.

However, the humble lifestyle didn’t make folk green… their chimneys belched acrid coal smoke 7 days a week !!

An example of how an improved economy, and technology, can help us find the right way IMHO.
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Remarkable to think that in Britain in the 60s there were many homes without electricity, central heating or inside toilets.
I still have the outhouse toilet sitting above a drain at the top of the field and the extension to the cheese room with the floor mounts for the diesel generator to run the dairy. House was upgraded in 50's when a new bathroom was added when the water mains and electricity were added, water was a private supply up until that point and the genny supplied the electricity.
As a child I lived very close to one of the most successful tomato glasshouse operations in my area at the time that produced beautiful tasty tomatoes almost all year round
His secrets of success
Supplementary CO2 added to get rapid growth
Heating of the ground temperature
(Done via a hot water bore pumped though heating hoses through out his glasshouses)
Introduced boxed bumble bees to naturally pollinate the plants for effective fruit set....and the similarity to the below article is that Brom was a Dutchman with more brains than all of these politicians put together when it comes to the environment as he created the perfect ecosystem...

My personal experience with aquaculture as a aquarist
For years I've maintained many planted Amazon type fresh water tropical fish/plant tanks and successfully bred the Discus fish (several varieties) A well set up tank in my mind are a attractive feature to any home that can accommodate one.(better than a TV)
My biggest success to a healthy planted tank with good lighting was introducing CO2 through a home made CO2 generator/regulator and a diffuser which if done right so as to maintain the correct water parameters is very rewarding.(Plants needed trimming as they were growing out of the tanks)
After many years of tropical fresh water tank keeping I moved onto tropical marine live coral fish tanks which require far more water circulation and equipment but also very rewarding which i relate to the second attachment

https://www.dutchgreenhouses.com › ...
CO2 Enrichment in Greenhouses | DutchGreenhouses
I grew up in the sticks in a cottage that wouldn't just have patterns forming up on the inside of the windows but the walls as well in the winter. My father modernised the water system so we didn't have to go outside to pump the water to a pump over the sink in the kitchen which was a godsend. The toilet was still in the backyard though!
My father only just had to be moved from there about 3 and a 1/2 years ago at 92 although it had been modernised a bit by then.
Yes, plenty of wood was burnt and even some coal too.
People go on about the "Good Old Days" well apart from riding "old shite" you can stick 'em.
Yep people can stick their outside loos and the proxy izal toilet paper
The gift that keeps on giving......

Move along, nothing to see here. The three top selling vehicles in the U.S. are Ford F 150, Chevy Silverado and Ram pick up, all weighing from 4,000 pounds to 5,500 pounds. Why haven't we been warned of tire particle pollution generated by this larger and heavier group of vehicles that have been around a lot longer?
The gift that keeps on giving......

We must go back to dirt roads that contain no fossil fuel bi products and perhaps Flintstone wheels for environmental compliance...there is far more to this net zero malarkey ...more than meets the eye 🙃


  • EV drawbacks
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I'll admit my internet service provider now automatically puts up EV related news on my home page as I've 'clicked' on one or two in the past....
I post the more 'dramatic' ones on here by way of topicality (it IS an EV discussion, after all) , but usually neither condemn nor condone the content, though a man could lose sleep over some if that way inclined :-)
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