EV drawbacks

Apparently he's a conspiracy theorist and its come from a credible source :)


  • EV drawbacks
    40.3 KB · Views: 95
This pretty much sums up EV

Very entertaining Tom but to be fair, a bit of development may have occurred in the 15 years since that video was made🤣!

Top Gear has never been the same since Clarkson got the sack (which he’s pretty good at) back in 2015. He took the most popular show on TV and flushed it down the lav!
I believe it was that episode that unfairly did him in.
Much later I think Tom. 2015 he was sacked from Top Gear for an unprovoked verbal and physical attack on one of the producers - in short, he punched a team member because there was no hot food at the end of a shoot.

From the episode you included above (I think) he ended up in court for including incorrect information about the Tesla - it got thrown out in court a couple of years later for a lack of malicious intent.

Unfairly treated? His mouth is his stock-in-trade and what has got him in lots of strife over the years. Punching people out on the set will get you sacked every time, especially on the ‘buttoned up‘ BBC.
Much later I think Tom. 2015 he was sacked from Top Gear for an unprovoked verbal and physical attack on one of the producers - in short, he punched a team member because there was no hot food at the end of a shoot.

From the episode you included above (I think) he ended up in court for including incorrect information about the Tesla - it got thrown out in court a couple of years later for a lack of malicious intent.

Unfairly treated? His mouth is his stock-in-trade and what has got him in lots of strife over the years. Punching people out on the set will get you sacked every time, especially on the ‘buttoned up‘ BBC.


There was NO hot food !!
How do you replace fossil fuels with a zero-carbon alternative that still allows heavy machines to do heavy work for up to 12 hours a day, every day?

Batteries are not practical for equipment with high power demands, and for machines that work in remote locations, such as backhoe loaders and large excavators. Batteries would weigh too much, cost too much and there would not be enough time to charge them, even if on-site charging infrastructure was in place.

A bizarre matrix

With respect Shane, this guy is very good - at knowing his audience! When a utube video opens with a vlogger virtually shouting down the lens “The mining of Cobalt promotes slavery and steals childhoods” and “The mining of Lithium kills the people“ it’s pretty clear that you ain’t gonna get a ballanced critique! 🤣

He makes some valid (if old) criticisms but with an unabashed, brutally biased, shock jock like presentation. My personal favourite is where he’s preaching about raw materials and says “open pit mines, they even sound horrible😁! Maybe Rio Tinto should look at some big hole beautification!

A quick (more balanced IMO) summary, if you’re short on time:

- EV manufacturers exaggerate and/or manipulate range figures. Possibly on purpose.
- Driving an EV can (and probably will) induce range anxiety - range outcomes can be inadequate.
- Charging infrastructure is inadequate, in many areas.
- If you don’t plan your journey well, it can be stressful, time consuming and expensive.
- Choose the car that suits your journey type.
- Some (if not all) EV‘s can be outperformed by some ICE engined cars.
- Mining the constituents of EV batteries has environmemetal consequencies and there are claims that slave labour is used in some third world countries.
- Disposing of EV batteries is problematic.

If you want a good laugh, just watch the last 2-3 minutes - not because slave labour is funny but because of the manner of Geoff’s presentation. Unless you own an EV then don’t watch, because you’re just a thoughtless self serving bastard responsible for the stolen childhood of large groups of 4 year old black children!

(My) Bullshit aside - there is a long (long) way to motor before EV‘s match, let alone exceed the performance and capability of ICE vehicles. I believe that science can win the day, but they’ve got a hell of a job on their hands.
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For some reason, they don't get the consumer love that EVs get. I guess they aren't shiny and new

Personally, something that gets me 60 mpg which you don't have to worry about charging (or wait for it) is a no brainer
I remember, (2001?) the Honda Insight &Priuses, crawling along at 50mph, pointing them out👉🏻
"Look! an EElectric car! Getting ALMOST as good fuel economy as the TDI the 5 of us are riding in!"
Next time you are over in W.A go down to Bunbury and ask some locals how the mining of lithium is going for them and or how its effecting the water table beneath them.
I know cause I've been there and have family there..
There is plenty of evidence of child slave type labour used for the primitive extraction of toxic minerals...Ukraine has alot of it beneath them also...follow the money honey 🍯....but that's for another day......
Some thing interesting about some people calling people conspiracy theorists...that terminology usually comes out of MOUTHS of politicians/ public figures etc to try and discredit a apposing view or when facing controversy or heat from a statement etc when they got nothing else to back up their bullshit....are you one of those people by any chance...?
With respect I chose this publication as it is probably one of your trusted favorites 👍
Next time you are over in W.A go down to Bunbury and ask some locals how the mining of lithium is going for them and or how its effecting the water table beneath them.
I know cause I've been there and have family there..
There is plenty of evidence of child slave type labour used for the primitive extraction of toxic minerals...Ukraine has alot of it beneath them also...follow the money honey 🍯....but that's for another day......
Some thing interesting about some people calling people conspiracy theorists...that terminology usually comes out of MOUTHS of politicians/ public figures etc to try and discredit a apposing view or when facing controversy or heat from a statement etc when they got nothing else to back up their bullshit....are you one of those people by any chance...?
With respect I chose this publication as it is probably one of your trusted favorites 👍
Shane, I’m just a retired soldier with a dislike of disinformation and conspiracy fodder - I’ve experienced it first hand and seen what it can do to others. We all have our likes and dislikes - you’ve certainly made yours clear to me - name calling included - I’m way to thick skinned to let that worry me by the way.

I’m not saying that everything you post falls into that category, including all of the content of this video for that matter (hence the summary), but I certainly question some of your sources - we’re having a conversation in the pub after all. I’m not totally nieve - I also challenge my own sources and often find them to be wanting. I know you dislike fact checks - I too often reject them (no matter from what source) if they’re not definitive enough, or just sketchy.

My last post was a critique of the video you posted, with a bit of (poor) humour thrown in - that was probably a mistake. I guess you put it up for people to read and comment. You certainly do with my posts. Happy to discuss, without the confrontational, passive aggressive stuff - this a good thread and it would be a shame to get it closed.
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Shane, I’m just a retired soldier with a dislike of disinformation and conspiracy fodder - I’ve experienced it first hand and seen what it can do to others. We all have our likes and dislikes - you’ve certainly made yours clear to me - name calling included - I’m way to thick skinned to let that worry me by the way.

I’m not saying that everything you post falls into that category, including all of the content of this video for that matter (hence the summary), but I certainly question some of your sources - we’re having a conversation in the pub after all. I’m not totally nieve - I also challenge my own sources and often find them to be wanting.

My last post was a critique of the video you posted. I guess you put it up for people to read and comment. You certainly do with my posts. Happy to discuss, without the confrontational, passive aggressive stuff - this a good thread and it would be a shame to get it closed.
I too dislike fake and certain sorces of information....yes a shame...they were all good threads untill.......
Your "military" experience is nether here nor there...but happy to discuss your rank and service record if the need arises..
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Shane, I’m just a retired soldier with a dislike of disinformation and conspiracy fodder - I’ve experienced it first hand and seen what it can do to others. We all have our likes and dislikes - you’ve certainly made yours clear to me - name calling included - I’m way to thick skinned to let that worry me by the way.

I’m not saying that everything you post falls into that category, including all of the content of this video for that matter (hence the summary), but I certainly question some of your sources - we’re having a conversation in the pub after all. I’m not totally nieve - I also challenge my own sources and often find them to be wanting.

My last post was a critique of the video you posted, with a bit of (poor) humour thrown in. I guess you put it up for people to read and comment. You certainly do with my posts. Happy to discuss, without the confrontational, passive aggressive stuff - this a good thread and it would be a shame to get it closed.
I too dislike fake and certain sorces of information....yes a shame...they were all good threads untill.......
Your "military" experience is nether here nor there...but happy to discuss your rank and service record if the need arises..
🤣 You don’t get that information Shane - although it would be offered freely in conversation with a friend or someone I trusted.
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Shane, I’m just a retired soldier with a dislike of disinformation and conspiracy fodder - I’ve experienced it first hand and seen what it can do to others.

I have also seen what harm poor intel and deception can cause and the consequences from it... fodder ? Is that something you have ingested ? Or perhaps a military type expression of yours ?
So why do you keep mentioning yourself as a soldier then (post 2) ? 🤔
As you should know you can fall out of favor with "some" folk sadly....not all....kind of like saying you were in the service as a policeman or a traffic copper. (You know what I mean)....or is that to give you/us some type of higher/seniority/ranking...than others here on a motorcycle forum ?.. that dont wash with me personally and it makes you sound more like you served your time as a Fobbit
...no offence...soldier....none taken👍
Right back to the bikers bar 🍻
As we see increased electricity power supply and fuel charges sky rocket....the thing i especially dont like about going all electric...(throwing all your eggs in one basket) as it all can be switched OFF !!....by the powers that be ??


  • EV drawbacks
    88.9 KB · Views: 74
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Interesting read on child miners and the link to EV batteries. As usual, the (balance of) truth about what is happening currently doesn’t lie with sensationalised youtube content nor with those who would deny/down play child labour because they have a vested interest, but somewhere in between.

Short article - worth a read.