The benefit of Mikunis is the adjustability they offer for tuning.
The downside of Mikunis is the adjustability they offer for tuning.
Apart from the manufacturing quality demonstrated over time, they are great for racers and others willing to put the time in, but can be equally bad news for most users who are generally not ready to invest time on research and adjustment/testing! I came by my first set of Mikunis from a guy who tried them on his Commando and could not get them set up how he wanted, good for me as they came with a number of alternative jets and even slides.
Amal Premiers solve some of the issues of earlier Amals, look the part for a relatively standard bike and have known sets ups for standard ish bikes. Good solution.
If you want a single carb for simplicity and reliability the Mikuni adherents have accumulated enough data to help you get close with no big issues. Good solution.
If you are going racing, twin Mikunis work from 32mm to 36mm depending on engine spec and a baseline to get testing with can be sorted fairly rapidly, testing and making improvements over time, but best done on a dyno, which is not something a lot of road users want to do!
Unlike more modern flatslides etc. VMs are eligible for pretty much every classic racing series. Good solution .