Lord, I have been so busy lately working on this really great job, I haven't had time to read any of the demented stuff some of the deranged Trump haters write... but I'm here now, and you haven't disappointed me.
Yeah, because we just dropped a bomb on the hospital next door.
Funny, the same thing could be said about the British flag over the last 600 years.
I'm going to ignore the inherent racism in your post.
The Middle East has become the battle ground for world powers to slug it out without endangering their own territories.
Mentioning that you are going to ignore something, is not ignoring it...
Interesting turn to this thread, I aggree with much of what's been said by many who disagree with me on just about everything.
I have done a lot of work for american muslims. Many of them were educated professionals. One microsoft guy hugged me on the last day on his job because my partner and I had helped he and his wife customize his house in certain places. His wife is now a seattle legislator with some weird liberal policies, but one of the nicest people you would ever want to meet. I wouldn't judge them or any of the other muslims I know by some terrorist ideology. One muslim home builder I know is a typical american.... He only cares that he has to pay us more than he'd like to for the beautiful work we do for him... He's americanized in that way, but quite a nice person with the exception of being a cheapskate, which is hardly something related to his religion...
On the other hand, as I said a few pages ago, cultures and their inherent tribalism present a lot of problems. It's easy to point the finger outside your own culture and say, "Those people are fucked up". It's very hard to point that same finger at your own culture without being defensive about your culture's own bad behavior.
There's no doubt that all cultures have tribal tendencies that either, turn a blind eye to, or in some cases justify, some horrible behavior. Italians justified the mafia's existance. The Irish justified the IRA bombings. Isreali's justify their settlement practices displacing muslims. Black americans justify their violent youth culture. Pick a culture and they probably have some ugly treatment of "outsiders", but then justify some of their own culture's behavior with a claim of some provocation.
When I heard that this iranian guy got assasinated, I didn't know until the next day that america (Trump) did the deed, and I was a little shocked since he said that he wanted us out of endless, useless wars in the middle east. No doubt Iran has been trying to fuck us over since we supported the Shah of Iran's brutal regime. Iranians are actually pretty westernized and cosmopolitan people by middle east standards. Their government is more of the hard line muslims ideologs. The people aren't at all uneducated "goat herders". The ironic thing is that Iranians are probably more compatible with westerners than most of the other less developed muslim countries in that region, some who are still ruled by warlords or strongman governments.
We shall see where this takes us. I think for all you Trump haters, nothing he does will be good enough, but this is the real test of Trump in a situation where talk isn't going to mean anything. It will be what action do you take, and what are the results....
On other notes, Nancy Pelosi asked me if she could send the impeachment documents to my house for safe storage. I told her, "Sure, I always need some paper to start the woodstove!"...