Dave Taylor head steady install problem

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Feb 28, 2014
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I'm attempting to install this head steady purchased from RGM. I have tightened up
the frame clamp but it still slides and rattles on the frame tube. This can't be right?
I've sent a message to those folks but no reply as yet. Anyone experienced this, and
if so how was it rectified?
Everyone who buys this steady has the same problem. Just sand, mill or grind a little off one side of the clamp to increase the clearance between the 2 mating surfaces.
Its worse on the metric frames made in Italy, 25mm tube not 25.4mm. Mill 40 thou off one side of the clamp and then it will be tight and still have a gap.
Its worse on the metric frames made in Italy, 25mm tube not 25.4mm. Mill 40 thou off one side of the clamp and then it will be tight and still have a gap.
Thanks for the reply! My frame had been powder coated and measures about 25.8mm but clamp is still quite loose. I’ll mill some metal off of a clamp face.
Everyone who buys this steady has the same problem. Just sand, mill or grind a little off one side of the clamp to increase the clearance between the 2 mating surfaces.
Or you can install some very thin shim stock and be done with it. If you don't have a milling machine handy.
Ride On
I acted on a tip here and cut some alu strips out of a Coke can, worked a treat.
The Coke can metal may initiate an adverse political reaction. I suggest that making your shim stock from the casing of an English beer can would insure a higher level of molecular harmony...

Can you write jokes for a struggling English comedian his jokes are quite bad?
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