Customer service.....

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Dec 23, 2009
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I recently bought a top end rebuild kit about 2 weeks ago from a major Norton supplier here in the UK who are situated in the Midlands. I have heard many negatives about this company over the years but always believe in giving people a chance and to date have had good service and advice from them and their technical helpline.

One of the valve guide circlips was less than perfect and the end had been badly ground off with a large burr at the end that would not have seated correctly. I called on Tuesday this week to ask for a replacement and spoke to a guy who offered to send another. I also ordered two heat insulating washers and the guy said he would call back to advise the price of the washers and get my credit card number (these cost very little - I didn't ask for him to call...) . Normally parts arrive the next day so I called when they didn't as I wanted to assemble the head . The guy tracked down another guy who had spoke to me a day earlier who advised they had been sent. Two days later they arrive but the valve circlip I needed was a piston circlip. My credit card had been deducted for some small amount without a phone call which I thought was illegal here in the UK.

This morning I called again and spoke to a woman and asked if they would send me one valve circlip urgently. She kept bringing the conversation back to the point that I hadn't advised a part number but there was a new guy this week etc etc. I advised that the guy who took the order was clear it was for a valve but didn't push the point as I knew it was pointless. I was then asked what I intended to do with the incorrectly supplied piston circlip to which I asked if she was serious that she expected me to return a part incorrectly supplied and worth half the value of tomato ketchup on a McDonalds burger. At this point she said fine and she would just send the circlip. We ended the call.

I thought on it for a few minutes and then decided to call back to speak to the lady as I was disappointed and surprised that I was being asked to return such an item and said that perhaps the guy who owned the business lLet's call him Les for example) may wish to know this. She then asked if I wanted to speak to Les. Half a minute later Les came on clearly briefed by said employee. His tone was confrontational in that I had clearly caused the whole issue by not supplying a part number. I didn't raise my voice in any way at any point. I was told a woman actually took down the order whereas it was quite definitely two men I had spoken to in the week. Before having even the chance to raise the point that it probably isn't particularly good for a business to question a fifty cent circlip when they have spent hundreds of pounds there i was told he didn't want to discuss anything further and that my account was now terminated.

Unbelievable. The moral here is don't whatever you do question anything this well known outfit do if you want to continue using the.. Perhaps I should have listened to my late friend who I won't name but was a senior figure at Norton in the 50's and 60's...
To avoid confusion, I learned over the years that it is best to mention part numbers when ordering stuff.
Your story, however ,clearly shows the "could not care less " attitide of some part suppliers.
This said, I have always had excellent service from suppliers like Mick Hemmings and RGM.
Hemmings, a well known midland suppier would be
the place to trade.
This story would be unheard of with M&A.
It is sad to hear this as Les's online webpage is
very easy to use and he sends out the order
RGM does likewise but they don't alway offer
genuine material is that is an issue with you.
I have also had confrontations with one of the above well respected suppliers when I have bought stuff that don't fit or work.
I am dubious about ringing up about bad parts because of the "I am the one in the wrong" attitude.
Flashers that don't work, apparently I wired it wrong (?????????), then my battery needs renewing (????). So I went to a local supplier & put a japanese one on, which worked.
Iso head steady that took me 3 evenings to fit, required major altering, from another well respected supplier who wouldn't listen.
Pattern speedo drive that don't work, metal side panels that won't fit etc. etc.
It's called rip off Britain.
I recently made my first order to RGM. All I can say is Excellent and prompt service. Great e-mail communication. And above all top notch product. All this being half a world away. I have also had the same experience with oldbritts. Both Fred and Ella have been very helpful on the phone.
G Day Chaps,

I've also encountered first rate service from RGM. I once emailed them about their 920 kit. Not only did I get a brochure in the post, but also a hand written reply which addressed every one of my questions.

I've ordered loads of bits from them over the years, parts and tools, and never had a problem. Can't say fairer than that.

While we're on the subject, I should mention Andy at Pazon ingnitions. I emailed him with loads of questions about how suitable his Surefire kit would be for my mk 3 850 and he replied personally, answering all of them. This sort of service deserves recognition and he got my order.

Last week I ordered a Pazon Surefire, quick response, and it arrived in 3 days! Another stellar supplier.
Let us know how the Surefire installation goes bwolfie....

I've got to rebuild my top end first :D

History is full of the "crazy British parts dealer". Strangely they survive for a long time. Since there is a certain masochistic aspect to owning a British bike, perhaps abuse from the parts supplier is part of the mythos.

That being said there are several outstanding and friendly resources and this type of abuse can easily be avoided. Your therapist may also recommend this. :mrgreen:
Since the unmentioned, but well-known supplier, is the one we love to hate, I'd like to offer a counter point.

I have dealt with these folks for close to two decades, and find them terse to the point of frustration. It is hard to get them to respond to questions, and they expect you to know what you want and ask for by number.

Once I did have a real problem however, and they responded admirably.

I needed to replace my kickstart shaft since I had detected a crack while rebuilding my gear box. The crack was unexpected and I didn't have the part. I ordered the kickstart shaft and chose the option to order it with the top-hat shaped internal bronze bush in place.

Shaft arrived quickly. It was beautifully made and finished, with what appeared to be first-rate machine work. I installed it, buttoned up the 'box, filled with oil, and kicked through. No problems, Worked fine. Rode around. Came home. Hopped on bike again, jumped on the kickstart, and the shaft broke in half!

I examined the part and took apart the outer 'box cover. The internal bronze layshaft bushing was not a top hat (that is, it had one large straight OD), and the shaft wall thickness was much too thin. Seems the shaft maker had bored the shaft ID too big, and instead of scrapping the shaft, had turned an oversize bushing to match. Now the people who designed this gearbox were not idiots, and so when this altered shaft design was case hardened, the hardening went all the way through because the wall thickness was so thin. Normally in case hardened shafts you have a tough soft core, and a hard brittle outer layer (or case). This shaft had hard brittle case all the way through and it broke.

I sent an email with a crude photo to the supplier, and they telephoned me in California immediately, said they would check all the remaining stock, and send me a new shaft, and separate bushing for me to inspect and press in myself. I got the lot four days later and I did not need to return anything to them.

I was impressed, and at least from my experience, Les and Co. doesn't always deserve all the gripes. They are not very patient with questions, and expect you know what you want, and order it by number, but they stand behind what they sell, which is far more than we can say for some.
I think that generally, in our little world, we're quite lucky with the helpfulness of most of the traders that we use. They tend to be enthusiasts as well. FastFred, in his initial post used the word 'confrontational' about the trader in question and that sums it up. You only have to watch him in action on his stand at the big shows to see from his body language (and words) that 's the way he is. As far as I'm concerned, it takes all the pleasure out of purchasing and is certainly not likely to lead to repeat custom.

I don't want to be treated like a nuisance when making my hobby purchases. There has to be a bit of a feel-good factor as well.
I am still shocked this morning from what happened yesterday, all over a circlip, most bizarre. I accept your point (Mike Provenance) and I don't want any character assessment as I have had good dealings there previously. I will stick with RGM and Mick Hemmings. Last week Roger (RGM) emailed me back within four days about the doubt over the washer material in his brake m/cyl reline kit and was very helpful/amicable. That's good service.
Fastfred, been there, don't deal with them now.

Long story, but apparently having done + £3000 of business with them in a matter of 2 years (2006/2008) didn't warrant discount on a faulty custom part because "you haven't spent much with us in the last 2 years." After much coercing/reasoning (begging) was told to ring back the following week when a decision would have been made. Rang back asked to speak to "him" for the decision to be told by female (believed to be a relative)" you can have £50 off "(their faulty product which really ought to have been replaced F.O.C.) Incidentally the subsequent new replacement part went the same way in less than 1000 miles and now sits on the garage wall as a reminder (couldn't be bothered to beg /challenge "him" again).

Mick and Angela Hemmings......great to deal with usually come off the phone laughing, and RGM are good too.

I quite often go straight to A/Norton. Also very nice to deal with. Polite, courteous and helpful.
My friend bought a Alloy barrel and piston kit from Les. Asking me to fit it.The the piston pins where bigger than the standard small end bush's! I rang him to ask why?
He was very "Off" with me. suggesting "I" scouted around local engineering firms to find a suitable reamer. :!:

So like a prat i drove around 2 hours trying to find we now live in a metric one could help
So i rang him back.....In a shirty tone he said " Bring the bike down, we will ream it" Well hiring a van was not my cup of tea,
It really pissed me off! as why should the customer have to correct incorrect parts...

Other that that i have had good service.. Fingers crossed
Stopped dealing with this person 25 years ago. Rude , self important , opinionated big fish in a small pond. I prefer to use those people that treat me with respect, decency, show empathy for my futile hobby and understand that in return for my hard earned cash they are offering me a service that is expected to reach a certain standard. If my expectations are reached or exceeded I will become a repeat customer, if not I never go there again - others should stop the second chance mentallity making pure businessmen rich and all of us poorer. Now don't even start me on their E Bay profiteering prices and the resultant sharp increase in peoples expected prices for distinctly secondhand spares! Ruining it all for everyone. Gonna go and punch the wife!
FastFred said:
I am still shocked this morning from what happened yesterday, all over a circlip, most bizarre. I accept your point (Mike Provenance) and I don't want any character assessment as I have had good dealings there previously. I will stick with RGM and Mick Hemmings. Last week Roger (RGM) emailed me back within four days about the doubt over the washer material in his brake m/cyl reline kit and was very helpful/amicable. That's good service.

I'm the one who raised the issue about the seal in the first place and have still had no reply, it's not all rosy with RGM.
Rich_j said:
FastFred said:
I am still shocked this morning from what happened yesterday, all over a circlip, most bizarre. I accept your point (Mike Provenance) and I don't want any character assessment as I have had good dealings there previously. I will stick with RGM and Mick Hemmings. Last week Roger (RGM) emailed me back within four days about the doubt over the washer material in his brake m/cyl reline kit and was very helpful/amicable. That's good service.

I'm the one who raised the issue about the seal in the first place and have still had no reply, it's not all rosy with RGM.

I realise that my experience is limited, but so far, RGM and Old Brits have proven to be great.

I hate to say this, another 'Emmorids story. Trouble is I have bought things from him and been satisfied, but I can understand the issues. We could start a Hagey (Chicago) thread again, I could go there and post my letter to the Cook County Attorney General.

Everyone to his own, just be careful. Too much to enjoy, forget the crap.

This thread is a normal human responce to a frustrating situation, "we" [ the dissatistfied] customers need to vent off some steam,
As we donnot get the respnce and satisfaction we wont from the supplier, we use the key board and internet to contact "like" minded members of the BADLY done to ,
If our bitching cannot be relieved over the phone then we look elswere...HERE :!:
Also just mayby our Midlands target may get to hear about all this and mayby . get a very tiny flea in his ear......But knowing the person he will have very.very thick ear skin...and quite a few attempted flea bites.....
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