Commando Fork Cartridge Conversion

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It would be fun to have a stand alone thread on front end swaps to see what others have done, reasoning behind, outcomes (intended or not), and the compatibility tips and tricks. Quite sure I don't have the pull on the forum to put together a thread that others care about though.

I've got a Brembo twin disc setup on an early Honda Goldwing front end on my Featherbed that I'm quite fond of the outcome (intended or not).
I'd really like to see your featherbed custom , please start that thread. I've thought about it many times for my Mklll. I once swapped a Honda hurricane front end onto my '78 CB 750F and it worked well. For the Norton being able to ditch the spoked, off-set laced factory wheels would be attractive to me. While being able to use tubeless tires a plus too. Cj..... P. S. Okay so I just clicked on your avatar photo and enlarged it enough to see your bike's front end and it looks very well executed. But I still think you should start that thread :)
Is this a project that you did exclusively for yourself or are you going to offer it to other?

Jeff D.
I just did it as a one-off for my grandson's bike. Chris Cosentino already offers a really nice conversion for Norton forks using the same cartridge. I pretty much copied Chris' work, with a few changes, so it wouldn't be right to try to compete with him. Besides, in my old age, I'm winding down the sales side of my hobby/business, not growing it. :)

See Chris' conversion here:

I just did it as a one-off for my grandson's bike. Chris Cosentino already offers a really nice conversion for Norton forks using the same cartridge. I pretty much copied Chris' work, with a few changes, so it wouldn't be right to try to compete with him. Besides, in my old age, I'm winding down the sales side of my hobby/business, not growing it. :)

See Chris' conversion here:

Thanks Ken.... I'm using a Landsdown kit at the moment... was hoping for an Ohlin based damper rather than a Showa.... (just cuz I like Ohlins a bit more). Will be fitting Ohlin reservoir s on the back ans would like to keep front and rear brands alike. I know parts is parts and from a strictly engineering point of view it doesn't matter..... but...
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