More on the line of W T F will happen if someone spins it up to 11.000 .
We assume he may be useing a steel flywheel .
" this P11 thing is out there in la la land " ? Could be in Russia . :shock:
Youll find there were some developments in propulsion done out of Sandiago , around 67 / 68 . Cover for machine shop was ' experimental drill rigs ' .
The mag I left on the table " Anything left oput here I'll throw out " Oh DEAR . Biff bang thump. ( Leaves a impression :lol: ) Was borrowed / then given to my able brother .Mother turffed it .
Youll be entralled to know it had articals on REPAPERING your rooms ( illustrated ) , A 1922 Tractor , Overhauled and in use ( illustrated ) Preserveing Marmallade ,
AND the County Anual Drag Race Meet . ( illustrated ) all on piss poor cyclostyled newsprint. The Latest Issue . Flown Direct . By Air .
in a Briefcase . Actually in the side zipper .
With Two Photographs . Which he hung on to .
Somebody had to sign a Non disclosure before the case could be opened . Or the Chief would be on the yardarm , by the neck. or thereabouts. Not to mention the mug that signed it . :wink: ... topic=7335
Sound peculiar enough yet . ???
Some pretty peculiar classified materials were used . Five weeks five blokes , on standby after manufacture needed something to occupy idle hands . SO after two days disscussions on data anaylisis ,
WE , had a beer , Brother , The Above , and I ( myself even ) . AFTER the Briefcase was finally relocked and the ( yachting cover story ) chilled out and explained what the PHOTOGRAPHS ( no you cant have those )
"I had a few left on the end of the roll " Just shot ' Classified '" Processed U S Navy , SandDieago . ( wonder if they kept a copy :!:

) of a red bike with a funny tank , looked just like a XLR side on .
Which a P11 does , in certain lights .
SO ,
The Pics in the County News were a 52 Chev with Olds 440 or whatever , cuting 12s , sam damn thing ( GTO ) cutting 12s , four other old dogs , a mite slower ,And a 4 x 1 & a bit high showing a mighty smoke trail,
a 4 in M&H slick , and That Bike in the PHOTOGRAPHS . He had grabbed the mag at the door of the ea shop on the way out of town. THE DAY HE TOOK THE ' recreational Vehical ' back to the Bike Shop . Moday/ Project Closure .Theres a thing . That was a story in itself .
The Bikes times were a damn site quicker than the cars . tA 8 / 9 year old could even read , back in the 60s . Why . 10 year olds could do the ploughing , and 8 yr olds could strip a Stovebolt . Eh steve .
May well have a email from Paul confirming .though a lot of people arnt availed with something like total recall . ( more lng stories THERE ).
The Commader actually enyoyed the Chat. he sretched it by delaying the Taxi from Browns Bay , for his flight . As they Guaranteed to get him there if he left at 8:30
One of the five blokes had acces to Experimental un profitable ( Thousand Bucks for a Valve Spring ? Mate .

) stuff that ' Theyed found a bit expensive. Damn Good . But Worthless . To Bloody Costly . :lol:
Note , often experimental slave stuff is done in TWOS , gives a second , in case one breaks . :lol:
Therfore , Two Rods / The Entire Valve Train . The Crank was from the toughest steel unknown to man ( classified ) as were the Alloys used in the casting . Couldnt leave any scraps lying round, Could they .
The Ol;de Mans been bumped off . the Brothers in forign Parts . But Yesterday I sent a email to his alledged new address . ORDERING him to Recall the Chap , The , We will ask questions .
So five weeks for five of the better shop floor men & the BOSS. ( Administration ) and the Highest quality materials and knowedge on the planet , the problem is , does the Plot thicken .
WHO dumped it on the Roadside , and Who picked it up . and if it was elsewhere , did they discet it for materials analisis , or just go to scrap metal . :?