Ran em at full throttle , Did you ? , The customers Bikes ? :wink: .
The recall to the ' School Days ' triggered with the 70's ' Issues ' .
generall term was ' Kamkazies . Thankfully I wasnt on first name terms with half the people on ' The Shore ' .
Allmost no traffic lights , roads more twisty and hilly than straight , only flat in the odd alluvial plain .
Was the bike shop at Browns Bay then , one of those Blue 500s with the dotty paint scheme .
Kwaker riders were generally regarded as nutters , The one I went to Meremere with on the back of a A7 350
met the criteria . Waits on the way home for a hump back bridge with S on/off with a car coming the other way,
to Overtake a car . after minutes with nothing comeing the other way . Though he did wear Glasses . :shock: :lol: .
Plurry Irriot .Most Reasureing . His brother later put it into a parked truck . Note ' reputation ' again .
Was a Commando at the strip that day , talking to him and the BSA rider , the bloke on the Trident was all intent " were just here for a bit of fun , weve gotta ride em to work tomorrow , we dont wanna take any chances . You lok at him , HE's the one thatll be intresting "
Was a combined ' bracket race ' open street meeting . Turn up , ten bucks , scrutineering , and run .
Ladst run of the day , after the cars were done , as the Bike Finals , four classes . Last run of the meeting
was the 750 Trident with the ' confidant ' rider Vs the Shin tight leathers , full face lid , bikini white & blue GS 1000 ' S '
Think it wa around half a second at the light . Maybe the GS was a bit tight. he was trying hard enough
but nevr got a inch on the Triple .
The Older ( 17 / 18 + ) school leavers earlier , got their Job and hunting a vehical , in the 20 % Deposit Era ,
were know to have the odd beer and hit the odd party off a weekend . How Unusual .
Recall standing outside the post office , so mustve been 74 or earlier , a mate yarning motorcycles with the older lads.
One off ems trying to figure whats best . They get onto Kwaker 500s , the conversations allong the lines off . . .
" Yea; but the drink the Juice . ( the odd bloke'd get out of suberbia and get out to the better surf beaches )
prattling on , it turns out theres five of the 500s on the Shore . Two of them are dead . One hit a Car , one
hit sveral things avoiding one . The other candidates , one was straight. Hed stood it up a few times , and
figured not to throttle it in the wet . Fitted a carrier and knee shields . ( commutor bike ) and sold it after
paying it off over two years . and the Fuel .Left two ' candidates ', Talk was of if theyd get stupid & what next.
Wether they would throttle it up.Theyd go straight past a ton ( with enough road - On the motorway )
In suberbia , with a few beers and the testosterone , there were too many obsticals , and you could get about 80
without going off the road, theyd start weaveing ( noticeably ) about 60-70 .Not that they really steered straight .
Though in straight roads / intersections it wouldnt be as evedent .
The other bloke they knew was dead within a few moths . Bounced off through some trees onto the Taka Golf Course .
Would explain the weird entity there I NOW realise !? ( thanks for the recall ? ) ALSO now recall the 4th lunatic excited he'd manadged to get rid of it later , and blasting around in like style on a Black Roadster hed traded it in on , joyous at its
relative compatance while at full throttle . He headed of out of town to work in other regions now he had something tat wouldnt kill him, if treated half way sensable .
think he'd actually been the fifth , was tossing up weather to get the one for sale at Highbury , around Christmass .
The Bloke with the Green H2 and his nutter mate with the Brown one , in the mid 90s , when you could gettem for Nix and havem sorted inside of $ 1500 , I think they Ea had two to get a minter , formed a mutiual admiration society .
They enjoyed scareing themselves ( and all other road users ) and revelled in discussing ? the idiosycracys and handling characteristics .Befitting for phychiatric nurses . An apt profession . Dr Tar & Professor Feather . :lol:
As a machine for anyone without 50.000iles under his belt , and a degree off restraint and / or Abstinance , the title
kamakazee was apt .There were a few unbent ones about .But pretty much only good for belting round and showing off .
There were better forms of transport with more ammenable natures The later ones wernt as spontaeneous,though the
touring range and cost were still prohibitive . Of out the coast , the gas cost a bomb . If they were open . Or you were
stuck for the night . Four fill ups aweekend , cutting any miles . . . :lol: :lol:
The bloke who got the roadster couldnt believe how good it was ( he knew what a spaner was ) and couldnt believe theyed taken the thrasshed 500 in trade . ( a Honda shop over the city )
The Silver Fastback on the Shore had set a standard others aspired to . He'd got that as the 750 Honda would be a truck on the gravle coastal roads , and the bird would think him a peasant for going with a refrigerator clone .
GS 750 was a pig compared to Decent 72 Commando 750 . :lol: