All the alloy polishing by my own hands. 800, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000 grit wet sanding, rubbing compund, polishing compound then metal polish. Couple hours on the work bench each night for a week. Listended to my favorite College radio station... they've got pretty good programing and the time went by quickly.
As I disassemble the bike, that was when I cleaned up the parts (that I was going to re-use). During the time I was cleaning all the new parts were already on their way.
When I first got the bike, I did an inventory on what needed cleaning, what needed repairing and what needed replacing. I also made a list of Norton problem fixes, performance items and new consumables. They were ordered at the same time.
The bike was "almost" completey stripped as at only the engine and the frame have remained untouched. Tranny was out and rebuilt, front end was out, at different times different "sub" assemblies were worked on one sub assebly at a time. All frame bearings, bushes, seals and Iso's have been addressed..... The only thing not done was repaint the frame and rebuild the engine and head.
When the reassebly started, I had all the parts, new and old to put it all back together. This being the 4th I've done over the years made this an fairly easy Summer project. Just one job after the other as needed.
I have neglected my other projects however I have a '65 Mustang Fastback restomod that I've been dicking with for a more than a few years - it can be seen under cover in my garage inthe pics and a Rally car replica in storage for longer.