Battery drain…

Do your head lights come on when you turn on the key switch ? You have a head lights off during crank time relay , this will activate when you push the starter button , to turn off the headlight. And then the relay will drop out after you release the starter button. You may not notice it because you may have the headlight turned off with the bar switch. My headlight bar switch is locked on and I have not removed the stop inside.
Might just move my bed into the garage!!
Will check lights etc tomorrow.
Thanks for the advice.
Really not sure Tony, can’t explain it. The weekend earlier I had gone to ‘charge’ (from ‘store’) to start the bike, but then got distracted - did’nt get the opportunity, so hit ‘store’ again and left it. Could have sworn that I checked that it had gone back into full ’store’ mode but maybe not. Either way, if the charger was neither in ‘store‘ or ‘charge’ it means that the battery dropped to very low levels over the period of one week. Wouldn’t have thought that would occur, even with significant parasitic drain.

I have since cycled through ‘store’ - ‘charge’ - start bike several times now and things seem to be back to normal. Love this machine, but very frustrating when you start to achieve some confidence in reliability and a prospective fault surfaces again just sufficient to knock that confidence.
Ok, just needed to RTFM (Read The F#^*@g Manual)! The lights on the BMS were telling me ‘open circuit - charge cables not properly connected, broken or worn’. Sure enough, I removed the extension cable that comes with the BMS and all is good.

The cables for the Shorai are a weak point of this system - they have a weak push fit only with no clips or retainer. So, if you are having spurious difficulties with your Shorai setup, have a good look at the cables - they are cheap enough to replace thankfully.

Battery drain…
With a Shoria that’s difficult to get at I glue the connector in to the battery socket and tape it over. Then cable tie the charge lead securely and leave it as a permanent attachment to the bike.
Certainly helps prevent loose / wobbly connections to the battery.