An Introduction from a new owner

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Some more info and a few more pictures

Frame number is 309641. My limited experience tells me that this is an 850 frame from 1974?

Engine number is 20M3S148026. 1971 750?

Engine has been modified with a single Mikuni Carb setup and it was supposedly a "crate engine" built/rebuilt by Sonny Allen out on the West Coast but I can't verify that.

Other modifications that were initiated include the rear brake conversion to disc.

Currently the bike is in piece part being repaired/painted at a friend's shop. So far after stripping/blasting we've only had to weld one significant crack and that was on the center stand.

An Introduction from a new owner

An Introduction from a new owner

A couple of other pictures for background

brake mod cylinder

An Introduction from a new owner

An Introduction from a new owner

rear tire and brake

An Introduction from a new owner

engine s/n

An Introduction from a new owner

At this point I'm interested in getting some feedback on the electrics. Oldbritts has an upgrade from boyer (currently boyer installed) What do you guys think. The bike will not be a daily rider but it will have to start in Texas in the middle of the summer so ease of start and minimal electrical consumtion are factors. It looks like BritCycleSupply in Canada has +ground LED turnsignals. Anyway, after the frame is painted I'll begin putting her back together. If there are any hints on sequence I'd love to hear them. Right now I'm leaning towards installing the engine last.
Frame number is 309641.

My limited experience tells me that this is an 850 frame from 1974?


Engine number is 20M3S148026.

1971 750?

So I've decided to go with the original positive ground electrical setup...but would like to hear opinions on electronic ignition setups.

PowerArc vs. Pazon vs. Boyer.

With any luck I'll start the re-assembly process in the next week or so.
Old Britts is great, but you can only get the Trispark from CNW. I believe Old Britts sells the Sparx unit, which is also really good. Any particular reason you're going positive ground? I was always under the impression that negative ground is better. Nice Benz btw, I'm getting ready to drop a rebuilt engine in my 82 300SD.
Snorton74 said:
Old Britts is great, but you can only get the Trispark from CNW. I believe Old Britts sells the Sparx unit, which is also really good. Any particular reason you're going positive ground? I was always under the impression that negative ground is better. Nice Benz btw, I'm getting ready to drop a rebuilt engine in my 82 300SD.

Just going positive ground because I think it's "quirky" enough to keep it interesting. Sorta like why I think the F-4 Phantom is actually an attractive airplane...:-)

Thanks for the comment on the 450...Just sitting right now. I hope to get around to her sooner or later.
Snorton74 said:
Old Britts is great, but you can only get the Trispark from CNW. I believe Old Britts sells the Sparx unit, which is also really good. Any particular reason you're going positive ground? I was always under the impression that negative ground is better. Nice Benz btw, I'm getting ready to drop a rebuilt engine in my 82 300SD.

Old Britts has dropped the Sparx and you can only get the Power Arc from them.
I'm leaning toward the Pazon Altair on my current build for EI. I'm undecided on the alternator at this point, but probably the Sparx 3-phase, 210 watt unit.

Hi everyone,
Hope you all are fine.I am newbie in this forum.My name is Camron.And i join this forum for sharing the issues that i am facing.Hope have a nice discussion with all of forum members.
XMarlin/Camron; welcome! After a thirty year hiatus, I'm back in the game myself. This has been a great bunch of guys from around the world here, so expect lots of good-natured banter, and just try to keep up with Hobot. btw, I'm of the "Don't like HiRider" school, only because I think the chopper look should come from the person; not a factory. Like a tie-dye shirt! 'Notice the high-rise bars on my avatar? 'My dad's idea. They were the first thing to go. But don't let me dissuade you from whatever you like. It's your bike, baby!
As for changing to negative earth for running LEDs, check out They have both brake/tail and turn signal conversions. One of the best parts of them is that they'll run with either polarity! See the link for discussions along that line.
XMarlin said:
Frame number is 309641.

My limited experience tells me that this is an 850 frame from 1974?


Engine number is 20M3S148026.

1971 750?

So I've decided to go with the original positive ground electrical setup...but would like to hear opinions on electronic ignition setups.

PowerArc vs. Pazon vs. Boyer.

With any luck I'll start the re-assembly process in the next week or so.

some pictures where i can see as is fitted and works the rear brake pedal with rear master cylinder.
pierodn said:
Please, some pictures where i can see as is fitted and works the rear brake pedal with rear master cylinder.

There is a very recent post in this section regarding 3+ bikes & parts to be involved in a deal where owner gets one back, gives one in exchange for labor, and has parts available from the remainder for use in assembling the first two.

Top photo shows the rear brake pedal / master cylinder.


An Introduction from a new owner
Sorry guys...I thought I'd be deeper into the project by now but in the airline business %%%t5 happens and what looked good yesterday, ain't so good today.

Anyway, here's a progress report.

90% of the frame etc. are done. All painted in dark British Racing Green. Side panels and tank in Metallic British Racing Green. Lettering in gold with black highlighting and all covered in clear coat.

Next steps are working on cleaning up the primary case which has a lot of corrosion. I will be posting pictures this week...tomorrow or more probably 4th of July as I have that day off.

The frame started out as a Hi-rider...Mk2A..1974 850 based on the numbers.

The engine appears to be a 1971 750.

Since there are no matching numbers, no limits on what I can do.

Since the bike is at piece part, I'm very interested in doing all of the "upgrades" etc. I've already looked into the electrics and will be working with OldBrits on the ignition and some of the lighting. Also, the suggestion was to work with "bulbs that last forever" on the turnsignals etc and that appears to be the way to go.

Checked in with my local hardware store and they have a pretty good selection of Stainless so I may be able to pinch a penny or two here and there on the basics.

Still not certain of the sequence for the build but encouraged by the comments here and from some of the parts suppliers...FairSpares and OldBrits so far...

Since this is in piece part, I'd love to get input as to what might be good to do. I plan to to do the front brake upgrade and to work on the Brembo rear brake mod. as discussed earlier in the thread. Also plan to take FairSpres up on their mods to the tach and gearbox.

Bike started life as a Hi-Rider. As I move forward, the bike will end up being some sort of interstate/roadster variant so the hi-rider parts will become available to those who might be interested
pierodn said:
XMarlin said:
Frame number is 309641.

My limited experience tells me that this is an 850 frame from 1974?


Engine number is 20M3S148026.

1971 750?

So I've decided to go with the original positive ground electrical setup...but would like to hear opinions on electronic ignition setups.

PowerArc vs. Pazon vs. Boyer.

With any luck I'll start the re-assembly process in the next week or so.

some pictures where i can see as is fitted and works the rear brake pedal with rear master cylinder.

CIAO Piero...

I think you are asking about the rear brake modification from drum to disk?

I believe I have pictures of how that was done although I didn't do it myself. I plan to incorporate the modification on this project so I will be posting pictures and thoughts as I go forward.

I very much enjoyed the "black night" pictures of your bike. I only hope that my project will be as successful as yours...
Sonny Angel was a California Norton dealer among other things; he may have built the motor. He was well known for racing as well (tracks and at Bonneville).
christulin said:
Sonny Angel was a California Norton dealer among other things; he may have built the motor.

I think Sonny Angel is still around, though in his 80s. His shop is still on the go in National City, near San Diego; or it was until a couple of years ago, at least. Here's an interesting biography on him.

He was best known for his association with Vincents, and his own Vincent was for sale on eBay a couple of years ago, to pay for some medical bills, if I remember correctly.
An Introduction from a new owner
Corona850 said:
christulin said:
Sonny Angel was a California Norton dealer among other things; he may have built the motor.
He was best known for his association with Vincents, and his own Vincent was for sale on eBay a couple of years ago, to pay for some medical bills, if I remember correctly.

Some of his Nortons were mentioned for sale on here too, back a year or 2.
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