Always clean out of the Box Amal Carbs

I loathe modern life. It seems these days that it's impossible to say anything without offending someone. I would dearly love to take my 1970s bikes, records, sense of humour, & go back there, with all its faults.
No faults at all, was a great time to be in the 70s, left school in 74 at 15, new 850 Norton in 76, good old days of being bad and the roads weren't too bad traffic wise, nothing has changed for me as I am old school in everything I do.
No faults at all, was a great time to be in the 70s, left school in 74 at 15, new 850 Norton in 76, good old days of being bad and the roads weren't too bad traffic wise, nothing has changed for me as I am old school in everything I do.
There is no time in history without faults. I started work in engineering in the 70s. Constant strikes with either the car, aircraft, refuse, mine workers, or civil servants walking out. Huge inflation, clueless politicians etc. etc. I could go on but I'm sure you get gist. On the plus side the roads were far less congested, there were no bloody speed cameras, & when you phoned a company you were answered by a human, not as now where a computer tells you how important you call is, followed by having to listen to some piped drivel, as you wait at position 5 in the queue.
Rant over! Now where were we, ah yes, Amal carbs.
I loathe modern life. It seems these days that it's impossible to say anything without offending someone.

Nail on the head.

Modern society wants to outlaw all offence. But as you say, almost anything you write or say risks offending someone. So the only way to eradicate this risk would be to avoid all contact and communication. It’s just ridiculous.

And this doesn’t mean that it’s 100% ok to say absolutely anything to anyone. This is why society developed rules around etiquette, manners, politeness.

And people used these rules to call people out for being rude, overstepping the mark, etc. and it works.

We don’t need the state telling us what we can and cannot say or think via new laws. And we don’t need to be throwing highly inflammatory accusations and labels around like confetti. We need a revitalisation of the importance of etiquette, manners and politeness.

This starts in the home, and is built upon in schools, and is reinforced by those in influence setting a good example.

Or rather, it should be.
Nail on the head.

Modern society wants to outlaw all offence. But as you say, almost anything you write or say risks offending someone. So the only way to eradicate this risk would be to avoid all contact and communication. It’s just ridiculous.

And this doesn’t mean that it’s 100% ok to say absolutely anything to anyone. This is why society developed rules around etiquette, manners, politeness.

And people used these rules to call people out for being rude, overstepping the mark, etc. and it works.

We don’t need the state telling us what we can and cannot say or think via new laws. And we don’t need to be throwing highly inflammatory accusations and labels around like confetti. We need a revitalisation of the importance of etiquette, manners and politeness.

This starts in the home, and is built upon in schools, and is reinforced by those in influence setting a good example.

Or rather, it should be.
The other option is to just scroll past something
That's what I usually do
I sold hundreds of sets of Amals on Ebay, well over 50% of the pairs needed something done to them, early on they were clean enough but needed float adjustments or something minor.. But that all changed when I brought the last carbs I sold, The new aluminum carbs. Both sets had major flaws on each left side carb: The jet holder was loose and backed out by a few threads and on one, the spray tube was not fully home ( installed.) I spent over an hour reworking them to assure my standards. I sold them and prayed there would be no further issues or a E Bay return.

Anyone who thinks they are bolt on, better rethink that idea. The assembler called Lefty was not as good as Righty that is for sure. I quit selling Amals a few years ago, while I was ahead. They were not "race ready", and too expensive to do all the labor to sell for a 50$ profit.
Nail on the head.

Modern society wants to outlaw all offence. But as you say, almost anything you write or say risks offending someone. So the only way to eradicate this risk would be to avoid all contact and communication. It’s just ridiculous.

And this doesn’t mean that it’s 100% ok to say absolutely anything to anyone. This is why society developed rules around etiquette, manners, politeness.

And people used these rules to call people out for being rude, overstepping the mark, etc. and it works.

We don’t need the state telling us what we can and cannot say or think via new laws. And we don’t need to be throwing highly inflammatory accusations and labels around like confetti. We need a revitalisation of the importance of etiquette, manners and politeness.

This starts in the home, and is built upon in schools, and is reinforced by those in influence setting a good example.

Or rather, it should be.
Nailed it.
There is ALWAYS someone coiled up on the outer edge of a conversation or some other form of interaction waiting to strike with their all important social policing, commonly phrased as "I'm offended ".
It's very interesting how bold and brave so many become when they can communicate through a keyboard rather than face-to-face be it with statement or response.
I was going to install my carbs this morning, but upon further review of new threads, I may have to dig into them again and look for something that shouldn't be there, just to make me feel better.

It's 4°. I'm gonna wait until this afternoon when it's 11°, then I might take a shot at it.

The shop is heated, but even then that concrete, even with a big chunk of carpeting on it is still colder than a witches tit.
Oops, hope there aren't any Satan worshipers or dark magic lovers in here, if there are, no offense intended.☮️
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Early Burlen Premiers had the debris issue, then (I seem to recall) they issued a statement that there would be a QC / cleaning phase implemented to (ostensibly) end that issue.

All seemed good for "a time", but I have again been seeing posts like this, (about debris in new carbs, but without the hoopla), so I wonder what happened...
I was going to install my carbs this morning, but upon further review of new threads, I may have to dig into them again and look for something that shouldn't be there, just to make me feel better.

It's 4°. I'm gonna wait until this afternoon when it's 11°, then I might take a shot at it.

The shop is heated, but even then that concrete, even with a big chunk of carpeting on it is still colder than a witches tit.
Oops, hope there aren't any Satan worshipers or dark magic lovers in here, if there are, no offense intended.☮️
I hope my ex doesn't read this
She's only ever a short broomstick ride away !!!!
Be warned
I contacted Burlen a couple days ago and just got this reply---

Thank you for your email.

We are extremely sorry to hear of your disappointment in our product. We try to ensure the highest standards at all times, so I can only say this may be an instance where the swarf issue passed by our quality control unnoticed.

I will say we receive very few reports of instances such as you have encountered. We have, however, recently implemented a more stringent quality control system to eradicate any present and future quality issues if they arise.

I hope this will not preclude you from making future orders, either through us our anyone we supply.

Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Kind regards
I hope my ex doesn't read this
She's only ever a short broomstick ride away !!!!
Be warned
Always clean out of the Box Amal Carbs
You think a suppler who charges a high price for their products would make sure everything is right before they put them in a box to be sold to someone willing to pay a high price, anything I work on or build I always make sure it's right before using it or if I made it for someone other than myself it all ready to go.
Seems a lot of companies these days have made so many cut backs to their work force and quality control has been a forgotten part of the process all for more profits to be made and because they are the only ones making the product they know they will keep selling their product, sad old world we are becoming, high rent, big wages, high taxes, high cost of materials, I can go on and on everyone wants their share, everything was a lot more simple in life back in the 70s, was harder but was also good times, things were cheap even with low wages we got through and everyone had a job.
Soon we won't be needed AI will take over, our roads be safer as the law will have full control over us all with traffic fines for everything we do at such a high price we won't be able to afford to leave the house and the powers to be will find other ways of taxing us beyond our needs, then they keep putting retirement age up to keep us more under control.
Yes the 70s was a lot better for me, greed has taken over everyone, I am glad I am set in my old ways, we didn't have to put up with the crap we do these days.
Hang on it's getting a bit crowed here, we better start another war, fuckkkkk.
"late to the party"- my mk3 with plastic airbox peashooters and balanced headers, I to tried #3 slides but was to rich down low now back to #3.5 slides.
The fuel economy I get with these Amals in good tune far outweighs the minor inconvenience of stripping and cleaning them periodically. New out of the box, no, one shouldn't expect the need to do so. That being said, it doesn't take much time to do and the task is time well spent
@robs ss it certainly didn't upset me - but I called it out, as it didn't sit right.

I didn't feel the original names used in conjunction to reference to poor quality was a nice thing to read.

This is an open, international forum about Norton Commandos, and we are trying to welcome the next generation in from all over the world.
I don't think my comment was "Karen-like" at all.

I know the guys at Burlen Fuels well, and they build great products over in England.
Sure - it pays to strip down a carb and clean it out before fitting - I have always done this anyway. Just like cleaning brake discs and clutch plates.

The OP has thankfully amended his post, so we can all move on.
Agree fully. It is an open forum. If you would not make a statement like the original in "mixed company" then you should not do so in an online forum.
Agree fully. It is an open forum. If you would not make a statement like the original in "mixed company" then you should not do so in an online forum.
I told myself I wouldn’t get drawn in on this but for whatever it may be worth here is my two cents because it needs saying . Agreed that the OP perhaps should not have posted what he originally did - perhaps it was tongue in cheek - perhaps not . But as Nigel so aptly put it - FFS ! Come on gents - this is no big deal . Frankly the knee jerk response “ calling the OP out “ as “ disgusting “ was far worse ( IMHO) . My mother’s family was from Norway - there was a term for Scandinavian people describing head shapes as a certain geometric figure with four equal sides . All of her family used the term and laughed about and no one was ever offended . I also agree that ideally a motorcycle forum isn’t really the place for this sort of discourse - but - reality check here - we live in an imperfect world and this may come as a surprise to some but there are some things ( emphasis on “some “ ) that are more important than Nortons. Yes - topic drift from Amal swarf indeed .
I now rest my case and apologies to any who are unhappy with the diverted course and my part in it .
Food for thought.
Amal doesn't sound British but so what. They make great carburetors. They have my business, scarf or not. Edit:swarf
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