Always clean out of the Box Amal Carbs

The small sticker at the lower left is the AMAL sticker. The "GRN No" is an AMAL tracking number, the rest of the numbers on that label describe the jets and slide.

The top right stickers is Baxter's.

I've never seen a sticker like the one that has PACK 136 in bold - they do not leave AMAL that way and I just verified that with all I have in stock unless they started after my last purchase in late Oct 24.

So, that box left AMAL as PACK 136 which is fine as long as you have an 850 MK1/MK2 Roadster that has peashooters and a hamcan air cleaner. There is confusion on 73 850 Interstates - might me PACK 136 or PACK 137 (only difference is the main jet).

Glad to hear that Baxter doesn't do the generic nonsense!

When you got the carbs, did each have a short test cable installed and was a slip of paper talking about it in the box?

The Baxter sticker implies that the carb set was delivered to them in Dec 24 - I hope what you found doesn't mean that AMAL has stopped adjusting and testing!

BTW, AMAL often builds Norton sets when ordered. Too low a number and too many variations to have them on the shelf.
Hi Greg

Something I noticed recently when checking out the Amal carb packs.

The Norton workshop manual and the Clymner manual list 3.5 throttle slides for the 1974 Mk2 850. See photos

But in Norman Whites book he puts 3. See the last photo.

I have 3.5 in my bike and this is what's listed for both pac 136 and 138.

I'm wondering if the Norman White table has a typo. But he has listed the different Amal part no as well so it seems deliberate.


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3.5 is correct for all 850 carbs.
Indeed. That is my understanding too.

However it does beg the question why one of the most experienced Norton engineers who was actually there at the time says something different.

I bought a set of Premiers about 5 years ago which always stumbled really badly off idle. ( Not the pac in the photo above) One of the tests was trying 3 slides. But in the end it was repeated cleaning and setting fuel levels that cured it.
However it does beg the question why one of the most experienced Norton engineers who was actually there at the time says something different.
I don't know why he would say that as it's wrong and the Amal list I have (supplied to me by Amal) says 3.5 for all 850 models.
3.0 slides with the standard 850 MK3 airbox I found to be too rich.
I don't know why he would say that as it's wrong and the Amal list I have (supplied to me by Amal) says 3.5 for all 850 models.
3.0 slides with the standard 850 MK3 airbox I found to be too rich.
Yes 3 was too rich for my 74 Mk2 850 with hamcan filter.
Billy Bob & Bubba

Jose & Pedro

It's ok to poke fun at life, manufacturing, ALL of our wide varied ethnicities...
Without being TRIGGERED!!!!

I pine for the old days when Karens weren't read to flip out.
Concours...your PC is lacking, and I am offended.
That being said I have recently been advised, while judging those around me, some on this forum, to consider a prescription to a newly developed medication, it's called GROWACET.😉
A prescription for this new wonder drug could be considered by some who don't buck up to support the forum, yet readily pass judgement on the other participants, just a thought.
I knew I should not have gotten started with this thread. For the cold weather downtime I bought a set of premieres from Gregg M. to upgrade the 51 year old sleeved, multiple rebuilds original to the bike.
I did a thorough inspection internally as I had to change the jets and everything looked good. Still this thread has got me twitchy. They are reassembled with the sync gantry and ready to be installed. If any bugs come out I will make note but Mr. Marsh's advice and guidance have always been solid.
Hi Greg

Something I noticed recently when checking out the Amal carb packs.

The Norton workshop manual and the Clymner manual list 3.5 throttle slides for the 1974 Mk2 850. See photos

But in Norman Whites book he puts 3. See the last photo.

I have 3.5 in my bike and this is what's listed for both pac 136 and 138.

I'm wondering if the Norman White table has a typo. But he has listed the different Amal part no as well so it seems deliberate.
As L.A.B says, 3.5 is correct for 850s according to everything I see, including what the AMAL catalog says and what they provide. Also, they work correctly for 850s.

Put a PACK 140 (750 Combat) or PACK 112 (Later 750), both 932s on an 850 and the 1/8 to 1/4 throttle is too rich due to the 3 slide.
I , too fail to see the racism in Mike G ‘s post but perhaps I am out of the loop or thick skinned . I am not trying to stir the pot - simply looking to understand. My guess is the names he used are ethnic? Help me out here please …
they were, and have now been removed.
they were, and have now been removed.
To make it more interesting:
1.There is a short classical music piece called “Amahl and the night visitors”, the chorus of which is a long list of fruits and other foods: could do a Norton parts version of that list!
2. A friend of the family had the surname Norton-Amol. Not only that, it turned out she worked at Bletchley Park in WW2, where plenty of Norton- mounted despatch riders ( armed with pistols in case of ambush) came and went……
@robs ss it certainly didn't upset me - but I called it out, as it didn't sit right.

I didn't feel the original names used in conjunction to reference to poor quality was a nice thing to read.

This is an open, international forum about Norton Commandos, and we are trying to welcome the next generation in from all over the world.
I don't think my comment was "Karen-like" at all.

I know the guys at Burlen Fuels well, and they build great products over in England.
Sure - it pays to strip down a carb and clean it out before fitting - I have always done this anyway. Just like cleaning brake discs and clutch plates.

The OP has thankfully amended his post, so we can all move on.
@gforce - I am still mystified???

Can't determine if someone was crassly offensive or someone is a professionally offended type.
Oh well...

The ‘offending’ post used two random names as part of a joke. The names were of none English origin.

That’s it !!

It would have been within reason to express one’s views that this was not funny, or inappropriate, or similar.

It is NOT within reason to use it to publicly label someone that you don’t even know as a racist !

Randomly calling people racist is as bad as being a freakin’ racist.

It’s actually super hypercritical when you think about it.
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The ‘offending’ post used two random names as part of a joke. The names were of none English origin.

That’s it !!

It would have been within reason to express one’s views that this was not funny, or inappropriate, or similar.

It is NOT within reason to use it to publicly label someone that you don’t even know as a racist !

Randomly calling people racist is as bad as being a freakin’ racist.

But some people just aren’t happy unless they’re being victimised…
Totally agree Nigel - thanks!
Jeez I'm over this kind of crap!
When a rottweiler type receptionist at our local council was attempting to block my call to resolve an issue I had, I asked if I could talk to someone who knows what they are talking about.
Her response, "I'm offended by that statement."
My reply, "That was my intent, and last I heard it is not a fatal condition. Now, can I talk to that knowledgable person?"